What Is The Worst Thing You Ever Tasted?
2008-10-30 08:58:11 UTC
Well I'm wondering what the worst thing you've ever eaten is like maybe an over cooked meal? a burned meal? to much pepper? to much salt??

You can have a limit of 10 if you can't put 10 then go with 5 :D and if you want to put in when you had the worst thing you ate or tasted by all means go for it :D

Mine are:

1. Apple and Cinnamon Oatmeal (I was sick a while back and my oatmeal came back up and it was totally nasty)

2. Chicken (I ate chicken from our local super store and it might of been cooked wrong because it came back up that same night)

3. Mac and Cheese (My dad made it with so much pepper that it looked like there were burned pieces everywhere and you couldn't eat it because you were so busy sneezing)

4. Teriyake Steak ( my uncle added so much sugar it was so sweet my teeth started to hurt and my whole family shuddering from eating it)

5. Pork Rhine's (I had a bag of them once and it was totally gross to the point that even my cats outside didn't want to eat them >.<)

Thanks, Mel :D
22 answers:
Billie R
2008-10-30 09:15:48 UTC
1. My sister in law made Thanksgiving dinner last year- she made some mashed paste- that she called potatoes- It was like the paste you use in kindergarten- but this had hard bits of uncooked potato along with the most nauseating thick and salty paste.

2. Lasagna- I was teaching a kids cooking class- a little girl made an extra lasagna for me- she layered the noodle on the bottom- which made it very crunchy- then the next layer was an egg- she missed that the egg was to be mixed with ricotta cheese- she put tomato sauce over the egg- not a good mixture. I still have nightmares.

3. Cow's tongue sandwich- in cooking school, my instructor made these tiny little sandwiches for us. They looked tasty- with an herbed mayo, shredded lettuce and tomato. He thinly sliced the tongue but didn't tell us what it was. After one bite- I decided maybe I wasn't as open to new foods as I thought.

4. Chicken crock pot mush- I followed a recipe from a famous chef celebrity for a chicken stew in the crockpot. When I returned home my family was standing around this noxious smelling pot- to show them it was fine- I took a bite (very against my better judgement- due to looking like puke) not only did it look like puke- it tasted like it also.

5. In school my best friend and I decided to make a mixed drink- we had Dr. Pepper- that was our mixer. In the house her dad had gin, bourbon, whiskey, vodka, tequila- we used it all. We made a pact to at least drink a little- I didn't drink again for a long time!
2008-10-30 09:10:18 UTC
What a fun question!

1. My dad made hot dog spaghetti when I was a kid, chopped hot dogs in tomato sauce with pasta and nutmeg!

2. Havarti cheese, it tastes as bad as it smells.

3. A piece of octopus sushi which looked fresh but it wasn't. I bit into it and it felt like things were crawling all over my tongue along with a very foul taste .

4. Meatballs in some sort of jelly at a work pot luck... not good.

5. Pad Thai from a "Thai" restaurant run and owned by a Vietnamese chef that used way too much Nam Pla (fish sauce). Nam Pla has got to be one of the most rank food ingredients I have ever come across. It's made from fermented sardines and anchovies. I imagine it probably smells worse than a corpse or at least just as bad.
2008-10-30 09:20:49 UTC
1. The all time worst is Pea soup - the smell and sight of it makes me gag.

2. Fried liver - it's orange and tough and tastes horrible for crying out loud. Ugh. I love chicken or pork pate tho.

2. Mould on anything - bread or even popcorn sometimes you don't see it and it gets packed down onto one of your teeth.

3. Lunenurg pudding or sausage from Nova Scotia - it is soft like flour soaked into blood- maybe it is a blood pudding.

4. An ant - I picked up a jelly bean and didn't realize an ant was on it - very very strong acid taste.

5. Brussels sprouts - mushy and bitter tasting.

6. Just remembered Buckleys cough mixture - it tastes like pine needles in turpentine and burns all the way down - your eyes water just trying to swallow it.

7. Chocolate cake - this lady I used to know made it and something about the icing made it taste like fishy tin foil. Not sure how she did that. She was a horrible cook and when she invited us to dinner we were like cornered rats.

For bad cooking - when my stepmother bar b q'd steak I would be in tears.

First she covered the whole grill in foil - with the lid down you might as well boil the steak. Then when it was nice and grey and tough she would pour bottled sauce all over it.

I would literally cry and beg to cook my own steak and I was just a child.
2008-10-30 09:36:11 UTC
I've had pretty good food experiences, except for two, and both were salt-related.

The first time was in the cafeteria in UDub. The most saltless dish I've ever had. Can't remember what they were going for but I remember it being a rehash of something they had earlier in the week.

The second time was last week at the company dining hall. Everything was so salty that I felt like I could be preserved to the next century without mummification.
2008-10-30 09:11:40 UTC
1.) Goat meat!! it tastes just how it smells but worse

2.) Fat! when I eat meat I have to take off all the fat if I don't I puke it up!

3.) runny eggs ......nasty

4.) Beef stew!!!!!! ugh soooo grosssss

5.) Cow's tongue taco' older sister made me eat them without telling me what kind of meat it was

6.) Vegetarian lasagna with ready made noodles.....I tried making it and it turned out so gross, and hard lol

7.) Chicken feet! who the frik eats chicken FEET!

8.) Under cooked bacon! I never had bacon before and when I cooked it I didn't cook it long enough and it was soo gross

9.) Hotdog! I bit it and bit into something hard!

10.) Apple with a worm in it!! ugh I still can't eat apples!
2016-04-03 08:36:03 UTC
Chinese cooking wine. The shop employee made it seem as if it was sake. It wasn't. The taste was really, really bad. I had a migrane for 2 days which says a lot as I once drank 2 litres of vodka in a night but felt fine the next day.
2008-10-30 09:05:28 UTC
1. Buffalo Heart (My uncle tried to pass it off as steak, I knew better! I thought I was going to barf right there on the spot.

2. Liver (Ich....hated it as a child, still hate it today.

3. Homemade Biscuits (The first time I made them, they were hard as a rock, and tasted like cardboard.)

4. Burnt Toast (Even after scraping of the burnt part, yuck!)

5. Scorched Beans (Scorched Food is the worst taste!)
2008-10-30 13:02:48 UTC
1. Old Chicken liver mole

2. 25yr old chocolate (it tasted like death, sweet and sickly)

3. Undercooked pork fat in super strong garlic/onion

4. Raw enchiladas with too much garlic

5. Cow tongue (I hate the texture)

6. Fried and spiced cow kidney

7. Ants in condensated milk (tasted more like formic acid than anything)

8. Onion and garlic tea my grandmother makes

9. Moldy dog food (no clue how I remember that)

10. Artificial low-calorie "cheese" flavored substance
2008-10-30 09:10:02 UTC
Seal oil and I didn't have to eat it just the smell made me puke. To the delight of the Aleuts who handed to me (Oil rendered from seal fat) The worst thing to ever fall into my mouth on accident was a big juicy seagull **** same result puked. And Red jelly fish in your mouth not fun at all. Gag
UKScarf M
2008-10-30 09:08:06 UTC
Norwegian gammalost (literal translation - 'old cheese')

It tastes as though someone has buried a batch of cottage cheese under a compost heap and left it there for a year or two, then dug it up and served it as a delicacy.
2017-03-10 16:32:52 UTC
If perhaps it's a fruit they have seeds, otherwise it's a vegetable. And vegetables are usually grown in the ground while fruits are grown in trees.
2017-02-20 15:58:22 UTC
Fruits. Bananas are my favorite. btw did you know that tomatoes are the #1 selling fruits? true beans
2008-10-30 09:05:35 UTC
2008-10-30 10:48:46 UTC
Tofo. But i ate a whole piece, so that tasted discusting! But just little specks at a time are good.
2008-10-30 09:07:00 UTC
This drink you have in Poland. It's like a cross between yoghurt and milk. I can tell you, it tastes like sour yoghurt and milk e.g. like sick. Nasty.
2008-10-30 09:15:20 UTC
lima beans.

white chocolate


liver (but I like the onions it's cooked with)

my ex's meatloaf
2008-10-30 09:11:03 UTC
Cockroach Curry..... Lol
2008-10-30 09:12:19 UTC
fried liver

brussel sprouts they make me gag to this day!

cow balls or tongue..

2008-10-30 09:07:56 UTC
i have to agree. liver is discusting. my moms fav. my least fav.
2008-10-30 09:02:12 UTC
2008-10-30 09:04:30 UTC
mine is deer meat
2008-10-30 09:06:53 UTC

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