I love Oreo Os. As a child, I ate them every single morning. And they were just as good each time. I would pack them in bags and pour lunch milk in them at school just to savor their goodness. They were a major staple in my diet, I would often eat them for lunch/dinner when my parents didn't have anything else. I ate regular Oreos too, but Oreo Os were far superior. This was fine, and I was a happy, healthy child. But then, my parents started buying into all the health crap on TV, and they started eliminating all junk food. Including my beloved Oreo Os breakfast cereal. I was forced to eat whole grain cereal with soy milk. All my other meals were healthy too, but the thing I missed the most was my Oreo Os cereal. One time I stayed at a friend's house, and they had a box of Oreo Os. I tore that box apart, it was unopened, and I ate all of them without anybody seeing. It was one of the best experiences of my life, and I loved it. Well, I have moved out of my parent's house now, and have gotten my own apartment in the city. I have everything I need, except my breakfast cereal of choice - Oreo Os. To be able to eat as many as I want, whenever I want with no rules, would be heavenly. To be able to watch the news in the morning in front of a glass of Sunny Delight and a large bowl or two of Oreo Os would be my dream come true. To drink the Chocolate-flavored milk after I have finished my Oreo Os would be my ultimate fantasy. I have gone to the supermarket and looked, but no Oreo Os. I have asked the workers, they say they don't have them anymore. I have been going through boxes after boxes of regular Oreos. I have broken regular Oreos up into a bowl of milk. It just isn't the same taste. I need the taste of Oreo Os. And I need them now. Please, help me in obtaining these delicious orgasm rings.