How can I tell if my Olive Oil is rancid? It has never been opened and the expiration date was 11/2007.?
2009-02-08 08:40:43 UTC
Some of the oil is in plastic bottles and some in glass.
Seven answers:
2009-02-08 08:50:37 UTC
That's quite old.

That would be from the 2004/5 production.

Anyway, very easy.

One sniff will tell you.

The rancidity will smell similar to rancidity in cracker or old chips.

don't be afraid to taste it( it won't get you sick) and don't confuse a peppery aftertaste with rancidity.

If it was stored in a cool dark place, maybe it may have hung on and is still usable.

The best way to taste it( in this case) would be with bread.

tasting it on it's own may cause confusion because mentally you may think it's bad.

Smell and taste.

A buttery taste means nothing.

A producer can make any oil taste buttery by using riper olives.

That's the problem here, people are not going by experience but by sites.

A typical oil lasts for 2 to 3 years if stored right( not 6 months as another site or person said).

You must taste it.

To many variables Ie, how it was stored, who made it, olive varietals etc etc.
2009-02-08 09:31:29 UTC
Olive Oil unopened will last for years. Olive Oil opened will last for about a year possibly more. It has a very long shelf life if kept in glass or unopened in plastic. Yours is probably fine, but use it up in the next few months. Rancid oil will have a bitter taste and flavor, as in old, and oxidized. Use the tip of your finger and taste it. IF it is off in flavor and not the sweet flavor you know then it is rancid. I doubt yours is rancid if it is not been opened. The use date means the product is BEST before that date, but not bad if used (as in oils or vinegars or sauces) a bit after the date. If opened, then the product is subject to contaminates, or oxidation and is good up to the date suggested and often longer. Common sense in use by after the fact is the taste and smell, and refrigeration etc.
2009-02-08 08:56:32 UTC
I go by one rule of thumb. After the date, throw it away! Weather rancid or not, that olive oil is well past its expiration date. It is extremely risky because the oil is already open. I would say go ahead and throw it out. And as a general rule, the North American Olive Oil Association says olive oil should be consumed within about year from its purchase date.
2009-02-08 08:49:46 UTC
If your oil has a buttery taste than it is probably rancid. Oxidation is what causes olive oil to go bad so it is important that they are kept in air tight containers and the best ones are those that are tinted and the oil kept in a cool place.
2009-02-08 08:51:11 UTC
An "off" odor is a sign of rancid oil, look for other signs of age, with the weakest being the "best if used" date. (Note that oil in a clear bottle that is displayed on a store shelf in direct sunlight, or even store lighting, can age rapidly.)
2009-02-08 08:46:45 UTC
If it's over 6 months old, I wouldn't use it! Especially the one in the plastic bottle! The plastic can, over time, leach into the oil.

I would just dump the olive oil just to be on the safe side:)
2009-02-08 08:48:08 UTC
Drink it and if you throw up, its bad!

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