If something has gone rancid, is it still edible? Or will it make one sick?
2006-07-25 19:13:02 UTC
I read that shelled brazil nuts will go rancid after a certain period of time....the dictionary definition of rancid is:

Having the disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oils or fats;

I know that peanut butter sometimes seperates and becomes what someone told me was rancid, does this mean if i stir it up I still shouldn't eat it? Will eating something rancid make one sick? Will keeping something prone to being rancid refridgerated help preserve it from becoming rancid.
Twelve answers:
2006-07-25 19:17:08 UTC
complex question. Margarine is dyed, rancid, hydrogenated oil. yes, it truly does go rancid before they hydrogenate it. peanut butter that does not contain hydrogenated oils will seperate naturally if it is left in a warm environment, however, peanut oil does not go rancid easily. you will definitely be able to tell when something is rancid because it will have a horrible, hideous, disgusting odor. when your peanut butter seperates just stir the oil back in or the peanur butter will be bland, dry, and hard to spread. olive oil, when it goes rancid starts to smell like butter (I know that wasn't in your question, but I find it to be an interesting factoid).
2016-10-28 19:04:39 UTC
Rancid Definition
2006-07-25 19:30:02 UTC
Sometimes vegetable oil or Crisco will go rancid and it has an off smell, but it doesn't make you sick if you use it to make something. Maybe it's like rancid is a step before totally rotten. Or maybe certain oils don't actually rot and they never get to the point where they would actually make you sick, they just smell funny.
2006-07-25 19:19:38 UTC
You've got to be kidding. This can't be a serious question, Didn't you read the dictionary's definition of rancid? And you still ask, where is, or what have you done with your brain?
2006-07-25 19:17:37 UTC
Yes, eating something truely rancid will make you ill. The peanut butter isn't rancid though. It takes an incredibly long time for peanut butter to sour.
2006-07-25 19:18:34 UTC
why would you want to have a disagreeable taste in your mouth? so eat it before it goes bad, and if it does go rancid, throw it out
2006-07-25 19:16:56 UTC
Rancid means its rotten and riddled with bacteria. It varies from person to person but most likely you will get sick. SOme die from bad food.
2006-07-25 19:19:42 UTC
when peanut butter seperates its just the oil used to make it just stir it up it will be fine, unless there is a funky odor coming from it
2006-07-25 19:17:54 UTC
2006-07-25 19:15:20 UTC
It will make you sick
2006-07-25 19:16:40 UTC
it usually is not edible.
2006-07-25 19:16:48 UTC
Try it!

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