Before you consider which brand to buy - you have to ask yourself. Is this for your own consumption or gift.
If gift, some shallow people (and there are many) will mind if you give them cheaper brands. It does not matter if it does not taste great but the name and packaging matters more.
In such cases, don't bother buying anything cheaper but better - only wasting your time with such folks.
If for your personal consumption, then I strongly suggest Frangrance brand or even those small stalls in Chinatown. Most of them taste somewhat similar and once out of their simple packaging, most cannot tell the difference in taste or in a few cases choose the X brand over the EX-pensive brand.
I know because a company I know makes and sells 1 product under different names.
When the mind believes there is a difference, the results will be skewed to prove and confirm their belief.
Ever wondered what's the difference between daily disposable contact lenses and weekly disposable contact lenses? Or what's the difference between the Toyota Rush and the Daihatsu version? Other than a badge and logo.... they are all the same. Does Apple makes power adaptors for their own notebooks? Never. Do you trust China or India made power adaptors? No? Then look again but this time more closely and past the brand name. It is probably the same company that makes thhose cheap power adaptors that are sold at ridiculous prices in the pasar malam. The same power adaptor that Apple tells you that you should not buy because they are liable to malfunction or burst into flames without warning.
You'd be shocked when you can get behind the "do not enter" sign and see the production for yourself.
Best thing is - remember that they are not wrong or illegal.
Frankly, why stop Apple customers from paying a ridiculous premium? They have the money anyway - so they deserve to pay more. And they truely deserve to enjoy better service and support because they paid more.
So - ever asked yourself where that BCH or LCG bwa kwa is really prepared in?
Do they really "make" their own bwa kwa (other than roasting in-house)? Is the contract worker they employd so skillful that the bwa kwa is magically transformed in their roasting pits? Are their fire different from others' fire?
More importantly, is the PERCEIVED difference significant enough for you to pay a premium?
If yes, go with "APPLE brand" of bwa kwa and enjoy. If not, go ahead and enjoy too, with other brands.
For most folks, they always display the bwa kwa in a nice container at home - and if anybody asks, just tell them the truth. It's your home and you like the taste of this brand.
For gift - you know who can accept brand A and who cannot accept brand A. So choose accordingly too.
Be smart and flexible - not stupid.