Bananas are a supper food and in addition to potassium they contain an ingredient i forget how to spell, lethesum i think it is, that calms your nerves & eating a banana when you crave chocolate has the same effect
If you combine a few bananas & a glass of milk you get a natural energy mix that many athletes use for stamina
To have a lovely complexion wash your face 1st thing when you wake & last thing b4 bed with a warm soapy face cloth rubbing gently, rinse your face with warm water, then again with cold to close pores then rinse your face cloth under the cold tap wring and apply to your face for a minute to make sure your poures are shut tightly
Avoid creams after cleansing to let your skin air, avoid makeup if your skin is severely breaking out as makeup clogs pours and never go to bed wearing makeup or you will have major skin breakouts
Do the above religiously & you will have skin that is the envy of your friends
Make sure you eat a balanced diet of protien, vegetable & fruit. Avoid junk food, processed foods, processed sugars & drink plenty of water to help your body flush out toxins