Like any addiction one needs to stop cold turkey.
You know of course that sugar is also sucrose and is in fruits, junk food, etc. but isn't listed as sugar so you're definitely getting more than 4 teaspoons of sugar a day. Maybe that shocking fact will awaken you to realize why the numbers on the scale are inching up and why your middriff is sigging.
People determine what they want from life. Could be just to be healthy, could be they want not to bounce and prefer tight muscles, some want to marry or just get asked out so they get rid of the sweets to get what they want for their future. So, whatever floats your boat as far as plans for the future go is what you should strive for.
Lots of us who crave sugar do so because as children and to stop us from crying our mothers gave us water with a little sugar in it, therefore we got addicted. Just understanding this will make you realize that being chubby and happy is what our parents wanted us to be. But maybe that doesn't fit into our lifestyle, and in 99% of the cases being floppy doesn't help us earn the money we want nor does it bring friends, and even today like having to buy two seats on an airplane means sugar costs us money in the long run, plus having diabetes and getting shots is not a fun deal.
It's called simply "mind over matter". And definitely any addiction is hard to control, and even in AA they know that someone will fall off the wagon at some point or other, but there's encouragement to get right back on the wagon and move forward. So aim high and don't let one falter bother you.
Granted there are sugar substitutes out there. For me substitution was good but I don't substitute with another sweet, instead I'll eat a avacado, have a cabbage salad with raisins, have a jello pie, buy canned foods that say "lite" on them, have a piece of sliced ham with swiss cheese around it, etc. I guess what I'm saying is try new things with different tastes. Eliminate the soft drinks and caffeine and you're on your way.