2009-08-24 06:00:17 UTC
A) Luxury B) Family C) Cheap D) Other (Please Specify)
2. How would you like the pudding to be sold?
A) Single B) Multipack
3. What portion size should the pudding be?
A) Single B) Double C) Family (3-4) D) Other (Please Specify)
4. How would you like to pudding to be?
A) Hot B) Cold
5. Would you like it to be suitable for a specialist diet?
A) Yes B) No
6. If Yes, what specialist diet would it be for?
A) Celiac Diet B) Lactose Intolerant C) Nut Free D) Diabetic E) High Fibre
7. Would you like a topping on the pudding?
A) Yes B) No
8. If Yes, Please State What your 3 Favourite Toppings would be?
9. If the pudding was going to have fruit in/ with it, what would that fruit be?
A) Apple B) Strawberry C) Raspberry D) Banana E) Pear f) Rhubarb
10. What is your favourite type of pudding (please pick 3)
A) Cake B) Sponge C) Biscuit D) Pastry E) Mousse F) Other (Please Specify)
11. What would you like the product to be served in?
A) Glass B) Plastic C) Other
12. What would be a suitable price for the product (taking into account your previous answers?)
A) Under £2.00 B) £2.01- £3.00 C) £3.01- £4.00 D) £4.01- £5.00 E) £5.00+
13. What Occasion would you use the pudding for?
A) ‘In a Rush Food’ B) For a Party C) For a Dinner Party D) Other (Please Specify)
14. Would you expect there to be anything ‘special’ in the product? (please pick as many as you want)
A) Fair-Trade Ingredients B) Low Air Miles C) Other (Please Specify)
15. Which age range do you fit into?
A) Under 18 B) 19-25 C) 26-35 D) 36-45 E) 46-55 F)56-65 G) 66+