What foods have caffeine in them besides tea and chocolate?
2006-05-26 08:26:17 UTC
What foods have caffeine in them besides tea and chocolate?
624 answers:
2006-05-27 04:31:26 UTC
Bottled beverages (12 oz)

Red bull 115.5

Jolt 72

Mountain Dew 55

Diet Coke 45

Dr. Pepper 41

Coca Cola Classic

Coffee (8 oz)

Brewed 80–135

Instant 65–100

Decaf brew 3–4

Tea (8 oz)

Iced 47

Brewed 40–60

Instant 30

Green 15


Hot cocoa (8 oz) 14

Chocolate milk (6 oz) 4

Chocolate bar (1 oz) 3–6

Medications (per tablet)

Vivarin 200

No-Doz 100

Midol, Maximum Strength 65

Anacin 32

Dristan 30
2016-05-13 07:37:51 UTC
2006-05-29 22:09:42 UTC
Mountain Dew! Other caffeinated sodas, too, like Jolt and Red Bull...but I think the Dew tastes best. Just know, though, that in general, health-wise you'd probably be better off with the tea or coffee. The sodas have sugar, and carbonation isn't good for you. And while dark chocolate is good for you, it won't supply anywhere near as much caffeine as the coffee or tea. Not that caffeine is so healthy, either, but at least we can cut back on some bad stuff!
2006-05-27 13:12:55 UTC
Chocolates or Candies


Frozen Desserts


Caffeinated Waters

Soft Drinks



Over The Counter Drugs
2006-05-30 02:48:35 UTC


Soft Drinks

Caffeinated Waters


Frozen Desserts

Chocolates or Candies

tobacco and medicines also have caffeine.
2016-10-02 12:25:32 UTC
Foods With Caffeine
2014-10-28 14:31:35 UTC
Brewed 80–135

Instant 65–100

Decaf brew 3–4

Tea (8 oz)

Iced 47

Brewed 40–60

Instant 30

Green 15

2006-05-26 18:49:05 UTC
That's pretty much it, but don't forget the foods with these items (coffee, tea, chocolate)

The amount of caffeine varies widely among brands. For instance, a cup of Dannon Coffee Yogurt has as much caffeine as a 12-ounce can of Coca-Cola, while a Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt has no caffeine. Sunkist Orange Soda has more caffeine than a Pepsi, while Minute Maid Orange Soda has none. A cup of Starbuck's Coffee Ice Cream has as much caffeine as half a cup of instant coffee, while some other brands are virtually caffeine free.
2006-05-28 22:10:52 UTC
Red 40 a dye in most foods like Kool-aid, lollipop or any red item foods have been known to cause energy levels to rise. Also, a tablespoon of pure cane sugar can get the energy up. Diet pills and codeine have energy levels. Cocoa butter has caffeine which can be found in hot chocolate or cakes which we all know that one. Even toothpaste or mouthwash has energy level ingredients in it. Also, just type in the word "caffeine" in the yahoo search and you'll get your answers. It will take you to the food section or other links. It can also kill you too much caffeine so watch the level intake. It can rise your blood pressure and cause a stroke or heart attack. You can get seizures or dizziness. An 8 oz cup is the average per day for caffeine level. So, do the math and good luck with your chocolates. Also, bar of soap has caffeine and mud baths.
2006-05-28 19:59:11 UTC
The only things with caffeine in them Ive had that have had a noticeable effect are coffee and caffeine pills like No Doz (Im in Australia so you might have different brands, but the anti sleep pills you can get from service stations). So if youre after the temporary boost caffeine gives you and you dont like coffee, go for the pills. I wouldnt bother with the other stuff, and soft drink is so unhealthy! Which brings me to my final point - caffeine isnt great for you either so unless you have a really good reason to take it, don't bother!
2006-05-27 05:25:59 UTC
Caffeine is a natural substance produced by many plant types. Besides coffee, tea and cocoa. The content level fluctuates. Caffeine is a useful stimulant. The danger with caffeine is overdosing on it unwittingly. It can lead to an Incredible Hulk Syndrome.
2006-05-28 20:39:55 UTC
Energy drinks have lots of caffeine, like Red Bull.

Coffee, Tea, Chocolate and Cola has the most caffeine.

Most other foods only have trace amounts of caffeine.
2006-05-28 08:29:31 UTC
Coffee is loaded with caffeine. And some soft drinks too, Mountain Dew has 3 times more caffeine than other sodas. Also if a food has a lot of sugar, it will probably have a lot of caffeine. I hope I could help
2006-05-30 02:12:46 UTC
no natural foods besides those four you mentioned have caffeine besides for a few other plants that are pretty hard to get hold of.

there is a certain blue flower from brazil which has 6 times more caffeine then coffee but i forgot wot its called, i once saw on the net that they'r making a strong drink from it flavored with some berries or something.

but if you dont like the taste of coffee, then i dont know how you would like anythin else, u must have no taste buds!
2006-05-27 07:12:50 UTC
As far as "foods" go, all 94 of your previous answerers are pretty much dead-on; cokes, coffee, tea, chocolate. But here's a website that may give you the information you seek:

And a quote:


"Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in the leaves, seeds or fruits of at least 63 plant species worldwide and is part of a group of compounds known as methylxanthines. The most commonly known sources of caffeine are coffee and cocoa beans, kola nuts and tea leaves.(1, 2)

"The amount of caffeine in food products varies depending on the serving size, the type of product and preparation method. With teas and coffees, the plant variety also affects caffeine content.(2,3) An eight-ounce cup of drip-brewed coffee typically has 85mg. of caffeine; an eight-ounce serving of brewed tea has 40 mg.; soft drinks which contain caffeine have an average of 24 mg. per eight-ounce serving; and an ounce of milk chocolate has just six mg.(1,3)"

Enjoy your search!
2006-05-27 00:20:03 UTC
Caffeine (say: ka-feen) is a natural chemical found in tea leaves, coffee beans, cacao (the stuff used to make chocolate), and cola nuts (the plant that gives cola soda its flavor). Caffeine has been in foods that humans eat and drink for hundreds of years. Today, caffeine is found in many common foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, hot cocoa, soda, chocolate, and some medicines
2006-05-26 11:10:29 UTC
Coke Coffee, Red Bull
2006-05-28 04:34:20 UTC
Coffee, tea, Cola's, Mountain Dew, any Energy drinks.

Chocolate does contain some caffeine, EXCEPT white chocolate!! Phew...

There's a great outline in Wikepedia that explains more about caffeine, and also provides a comparison list.
2015-08-14 17:26:36 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


What foods have caffeine in them besides tea and chocolate?
2006-05-28 21:49:57 UTC
Foods naturally contain caffeine and Caffeine can also be produced synthetically.

Other than Coffee, Tea and Cocoa, Chocolate and Kola Nuts contain natural caffeine.

Foods contain synthetic caffeine:

Many carbonated beverages ("soft drinks"), including:



Dr. Pepper�,

Synthetic caffeine is added to:

Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as

* Aspirin and Acetaminophen, to enhance their effectiveness.

* Cold Medicines - Many cold or cough preparations containing an antihistamine also contain caffeine, in order to counteract the sedative side-effect of the active ingredient

* Diet Pills-Due to its effect on metabolism (stimulant), caffeine is often found in medicines for weight loss.
2006-05-28 19:01:01 UTC
Most Dark Colas, Mountain Dew, Energy Drinks, Coffee, Herbal Supplements, and Medications
E. K.
2006-05-28 06:48:41 UTC

coffe of different kind

dishes with green tea, e.g. eggs prepared in green tea

cakes, mousse, ice-cream, strong drinks with coffee or chocolate

chocolates, especially with caffee

guarana (Paulinia), in energy drinks and dietary supplements

cocoa and chocolate milk

choc chips

A caffeine gene was identified several years ago and researchers talked about possibility to grow decaffeinated plants (coffee, cocoa). But also an opposite thing may be done, producing more plants with this gene. It is possible that they exist somewhere already and we do not know these types of plants.

One may get caffeine not only with food, but also with some cosmetics, like anti-cellulitic creams...
2006-05-28 02:14:31 UTC

You ask for caffeine things for the energy. I found this link that has lots of alternatives to caffeine that offer a lot of energy. A lot of healthy foods can give you tons of energy. Like an avocado, dates (the fruit not the going out kind), raisins, bacon, some milks and cheeses.

Just take a look at the link below... good luck!
2006-05-27 10:05:31 UTC
You can buy caffeine in tablet form, and it's not even expensive. That's what I do, because every natural source seems to either have too much acid (coffee) or too much sugar (cola, chocolate). I do drink tea, but I guess the caffeine in it is not enough to keep me awake. So when I really need to get awake, I take caffeine tablets.
2006-05-26 21:12:40 UTC
Caffeine containing foods include coffee, black tea, cola drinks, cocoa, and chocolate. These foods are used almost universally in our culture both as stimulants and emotional "treats." Caffeine belongs to a class of chemicals called methylxanthines, which have a druglike stimulant effect on the body. In fact, caffeine-containing foods are the most commonly used legal drugs (along with alcohol) in Western societies. For thousands of years, people have used caffeine in rituals and ceremonies. It was also chewed in plant form or used in beverages as a mild daily stimulant. Traditional societies today continue to use caffeine containing plants like mate or kola nuts for their stimulatory effects.













2006-05-30 04:32:50 UTC
Lots of other foodstuffs apart from tea, chocolate, coffee and coke.

There's caffeinated water, Sprite, Mountain Dew, Mug Root Beer, some types of yoghurt, some types of ice creams

You can check out the entire list at :
2006-05-29 20:17:43 UTC
Many different types of tea and yes that includes lipton ice tea. Stick to herbal.

Coffee flavoured ice cream will contain caffeine. Many drinks contain caffeine such as Coke and diet coke, Dr pepper, Pepsi and even Sunkist orange. 7Up and sprite are ok. You will also get caffeine in many over the counter medication such as NoDoz, Vivarin, Excedrin, Anacin….
Charlene W
2006-05-28 03:18:07 UTC
Cold Relief medications, Iced Tea, Dark and Milk Chocolate, 7-Up and Mountain Dew all have caffeine
2006-05-29 17:49:34 UTC
many actually do... heres a bunccch


kola nuts



Cold relief medication

Chocolate milk beverage

Iced tea


Diet Coke

Mountain Dew

Jolt soft drink


Ben & Jerry’s No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream

Dannon Coffee Yogurt

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt

Coffee Nips (hard candy)

Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling

hoped that this helped!
Sk8er Boi
2006-05-28 01:50:03 UTC
Coffee, soda (including Pepsi, Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper), Energy Drinks, tea, chocolate
2006-05-27 18:34:41 UTC
Mountain Dew has more caffeine than Pepsi, Coke or Coffee. Chocolate, of course, but you already said that.
2006-05-30 01:05:48 UTC
2006-05-29 11:38:17 UTC
2006-05-27 15:07:02 UTC
Sailor Venus
2006-05-27 09:35:49 UTC
If you want to take the time to look, most food packaging will say "caffeine" somewhere in the ingredients list or on the box if it has it in it. For instance, Sunkist Orange Drink has caffeine on the ingredients list, and Nesquik says on the box that it it "99.9% caffeine free"- that means there's a bit in it. Also, some stimulant drugs are made using caffeine, if I'm not mistaken.
bobola f
2006-05-27 08:54:18 UTC
2006-05-30 01:03:48 UTC
Redbull, Mountain Dew, all Vitamin C drinks and energy drinks have 4X caffeine that a cup of coffee so becareful..

You NEED caffeine?? Duude its bad, your brain secretes hormones that produce enough caffeine in your body. If you feel tired and think you need caffeine then your wrong, your just not eating right or not getting enough sleep.

Why am I telling you this, is because once you take in alot of caffeine your brain stops secreting caffeine.. therefore you become dependant on external caffeine intake which is disastrous if you forget to drink coffee or take caffeine pills...

Caffeine.. who needs it?
2006-05-28 20:37:47 UTC
"caffeinated carbonated beverages like Coke, Pepsi, Jolt, Mountain Dew, Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, Mellow Yellow, Big Red, Aspen, Kick...

over the counter drugs like Excedrin, No-Doz or Vivarin

foods that you eat, including coffee, tea, carbonated beverages and chocolate (include chocolate candy or desserts, chocolate milk or cocoa)...

caffeine is an added ingredient in soft drinks and caffeinated cream and yogurt"


" * Ben & Jerry's No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt has 85 mg of caffeine per cup -- the amount in five ounces of coffee -- while Healthy Choice's Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Low-Fat Ice Cream has only 8 mg per cup.

* The caffeine content of 12-ounce soft drinks varies from Josta (58 mg), Mountain Dew (55 mg), Surge (51 mg), Coca-Cola (45 mg), Sunkist Orange Soda (40 mg), and Barqs Root Beer (23 mg), to none in Minute Maid Orange Soda or Mug Root Beer.

* An 8 oz. cup of brewed coffee contains 135 mg of caffeine, while a cup of instant coffee contains 95 mg. General Foods International Coffees range from 26 to 102 mg per cup."


I also liked the dr Sears site, just because, so I included it :) "Foods for sleep .... Know your caffeine quota"
2006-05-28 08:32:50 UTC


Kola Nuts
2006-05-27 16:41:58 UTC
The following is a list of caffeinated food/beverages ordered from the largest caffeine content:

1. coffee, espresso

2. coffee, cappuccino

3. coffee, brewed

4. coffee, instant

5. raspberry royale tea

6. black stallion energy drink

7. dark cooking chocolate

8. viking chocolate bar with guarana

9. mountain dew

10. cocoa or hot chocolate

11. 'V' energry drink

12. diet coke

13. coca cola

14. orange soft drink

15. pepsi

16. red eye energy drink

17. black tea, leaf or bag

18. dark chocolate bar

19. green tea

20. milk chocolate bar

21. coffee-flavored lollies

22. sara lee coffee express (ice cream)

23. ovaltine

24. chocolate topping

25. chocolate milk

26. milo

27. coffee, decaffeinated

28. lipton soothing moment peppermint tea

29. 7-up, regular or diet
2014-10-03 01:38:35 UTC
Cold relief medication

Chocolate milk beverage

Iced tea


Diet Coke
2006-05-29 09:55:37 UTC
Most sodas like colas, Mountain Dew, sunkist unless they say it doesn't have caffeine.other drinks like tea and coco Things that contain chocolate or coffee like cakes and cookies and candybars. Loads of pills like diet pills and some over the counter medication and prescription medication. It is even caffeine in certain beauty products.
2006-05-28 09:40:15 UTC
Foods high in protein (or a protein shake) can also give you a "boost" in addition to the obvious things like sodas, teas, and chocolate. I am listing a few links under "sources" with some lists of foods with caffeine in them. Like others have said, yogurt and also various medications contain some level of caffeine.

Before taking any sort of supplement or caffeine pills, please check with your doctor. Some of these substances can be quite dangerous.
2006-05-27 13:51:52 UTC
Coke, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, Barq's Root Beer, Energy Drinks, and Mountain Dew.
2006-05-27 10:02:43 UTC
In addition to tea and chocolate as you've pointed out, caffeine is also found in coffee, hot cocoa, soda, sports drinks and some medicines. It's origin is naturally found in tea leaves, coffee beans, cacao (the stuff used to make chocolate), and cola nuts (the plant that gives cola soda its flavor).
2006-05-27 06:46:28 UTC
coffee and most pop drinks contain caffeine. The concentration of caffeine is different in each food and coffee seem to have the highest level of caffeine.
2006-05-27 05:59:11 UTC
Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola, originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 mg to 50 mg of caffeine per serving. By contrast, energy drinks such as Red Bull contain as much as 80 mg of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks either originates from the ingredients used or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana PMID 16533867, a prime ingredient of energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theobromine and theophylline in a naturally occurring slow-release excipient.

Chocolate derived from cocoa is a weak stimulant, mostly due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine. However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
2006-05-27 05:24:59 UTC
Sounds like some people have given you alternatives already, sports drinks, caffine tablets etc. Some sodas besides colas also have caffine. Mountain Dew is loaded with caffine. Green tea has some caffine too. If you are looking for energy you might go another route and try B-vitamins like B-12 and B-6
2006-05-28 20:53:07 UTC
Please do not abuse your body with caffeine. If you need caffeine, that is an indication that you have some type of energy imbalance. Maybe you are too busy, either at work or socially. By over-amping your system with caffeine, you can burn out (fatique) your adrenal glands. Over time, this creates wear and tear on your body which can lead to illness or premature aging. You sound young. Restructure your life now. If you are not putting the pedal to the metal and you are still short on energy, maybe you need to look at other lifestyle factors, such as diet and exercise. Please take care of yourself! ladygrace
2006-05-27 09:24:40 UTC
Energy drinks have caffeine along with other things to keep you awake if you wanting caffeine for that purpose. Try Red Bull, Rock Star, Monster, Bawls, you can also buy energy tablets at convenient stores.
pink marshmellow
2006-05-26 15:38:54 UTC
Hi Dr Pepper Drink, Chocolate, Lucozade drink(i think) why not just take a caffeine substitute like Pro Plus?!!
2006-05-29 13:48:17 UTC
Caffeine itself doesn't taste very good, needing to be mixed with other flavors even for those who have acquired a taste for it, more like a tolerance. If you don't like coffee and soda, the likelihood that you will find a food high enough in content for your needs is unlikey, flavored as it would have to be by your least favorite flavor!

Non food supplements, pills, would be the logical way for you to go, rather than trying to hide what you are really wanting for it's drug properties in food, like trying to fool a dog by sticking his pill in a piece of cheese.
2006-05-27 06:31:17 UTC
foods like :-

java water,

aqua blast,

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream,

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar,

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream ,

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt ,

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt ,

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt ,

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar,

Coffee Nips (hard candy) ,

Cocoa or Hot Chocolate,etc. have caffeine content.

hope this satisfies u.
2006-05-29 10:37:03 UTC
coke pepsi montain dew has the most red bull etc. btw if u don't want stained teeth dont drink things with caffiene i conducted an science fair expirement in which the eggshell (whihc represented the tooth bcz calcium is in both materialls)submerged in coffe(which has the most caffiene out of the other 4 bevrages that i juice,milk,water,coke )was completly stained and brow it was avsolutly gross and i only kept them in the drinks for 48 hours which is probably how much wed drink in a lifetime or in conclusion i ahve no clue y u want to know so much about a substance that can blemish ur teeth!
2006-05-28 14:17:20 UTC
Did you know that you can buy caffeinated mints, gum, and candy?, an online store, has an entire section devoted to caffeinated products. They even have caffeinated soap so you can feel the effects of caffeine without consuming any foods or drinks! Check it out for yourself!
2006-05-27 12:58:19 UTC
Coffee, Energy Drinks, Caffeine Tablets (I guess that's not food), Mountatin Dew or other Caffeine-injected sodas, and Coffee, again...
2006-05-26 21:51:31 UTC
See the complete caffeine chart in

It has the Caffeine Content of Foods and Drugs
Bella Swan
2006-06-01 14:28:40 UTC
LOTS OF FOODS AND DRINKS HAVE CAFFEINE!!! I would know because I don't eat and/or drink caffeine in large amounts. I know that tea, coffee, chocolate, migraine medicines, loads of soda pops, and some gums, all have caffeine in them.
2006-05-29 13:57:28 UTC
2006-05-29 05:14:24 UTC
Why are you looking for foods with caffeine in them? to avoid them? If you are looking for a caffeine fix then over the counter anti-tiredness pills are the simplest method, Guronsan seems to available in most of the world.
2006-05-28 17:45:29 UTC
Avoid caffeine...

I found out that caffeine and my prescription medication were causing my heart to go into arrhythmia. So drinking/eating resulted in a condition called "sudden death arrhythmia". An individual suffering from it will not survive unless cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation are provided immediately.

CPR can prolong the survival of the brain in the lack of a normal pulse, but defibrillation is the intervention which is most likely to restore a more healthy heart rhythm. It does this by applying an electric shock to the heart, after which sometimes the heart will revert to a rhythm that can once again pump blood.

I felt no no symtoms but some people do (see below)

I no longer touch caffeine.
2006-05-26 20:05:10 UTC
There are no foods with caffeine besides coffee, tea, colas, Mountain Dew etc. You could try No-Doz pills or yerba mate` (tea or pills)

HI-ENER-G is a product like that-guarana and yerba mate`.

You want caffeine but you don't like the beverages it comes in?

Ssounds strange.
2014-06-03 08:30:28 UTC
Caffeine content is highly unpredictable in coffee and tea drinks, especially in tea. Preparation has a huge impact on tea, and colour is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Teas like the green Japanese Gyokuro contain far more caffeine than much darker teas like Lapsang Souchong, which has very little. Even approximate caffeine contents assigned to teas are generally at best a very inaccurate guess
2006-05-30 08:17:26 UTC
Coffee...Soda...and Energy Drinks
2006-05-29 22:06:46 UTC
If you are juit looking for the effect caffeine gives you....without the caffeine....go to a health food store and ask for energy bars ,that are made with certain natural herbs , that will give a boost of energy...without the use of caffeine.

Ask yuor natural food salesperson for info on other energy boosing supplements.. they will be glad to help.
2006-05-28 17:13:13 UTC
Any green tea or black tea drinks have caffeine.

Lots of soda's do, not just Coke & Pepsi, some include...

Mountain Dew



some root beers,

Dr. Pepper

Also, many diet pills & energy pills have caffeine.
2006-05-28 09:49:51 UTC
*Coffee is the leading source of caffeine.

*Then comes most Teas.

*Most Cappuccinos.

*Real Chocolate, the caffeine comes from the coca-beans

used to make chocolate.

*Real coffee & chocolate flavored Ice creams.

*Real coffee & chocolate flavored Yogurts.

*Caffeine is found in the leaves, seeds & fruits of over

60 plants.

*No-Doz and other alertness pills are made of natural

caffeine, and are as safe as any natural drug.
Smegma Stigma
2006-05-28 04:20:11 UTC
energy drinks.

these drinks cite all kinds of mysterious extra ingredients, but all of them also contain caffeine.

it's the caffeine that has the effect (and careful cos often there's way too much in there), and the weird ingredients that you might actually think twice about if you knew.

for example, in red bull there's this one that's an essential amino acid for cats, but has no beneficial effects for us. which pretty much makes me think omg that's so disgusting!

contrary to what they claim, no medical evidence (ie randomised controlled blinded replicated trial) supports the claim that red bull (or any other energy drink) has any beneficial effect, or any significant effect over and above that of caffeine.

so just go crunch a coffee bean! or grind em up and sprinkle it on ya breaky mixed with a bit of sugar!
2006-05-27 15:48:01 UTC
No-Doz which is to keep you awake while driving or whatever. But, be careful as too much caffeine is not good for you.

I would NOT take any non natural form, as like I mentioned. If the soft drinks do not work then you need to talk to a doctor to really be safe.
Inquisitive Inquirer
2006-05-30 17:52:37 UTC
2006-05-27 15:33:23 UTC
Other, less commonly used, sources of caffeine include the plants yerba mate and guaraná, which are sometimes used in the preparation of teas and, more recently, energy drinks. Two of caffeine's alternative names, mateine and guaranine, are derived from the names of these plants.

Caffeine equivalents

In general, each of the following contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine:

One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink

Note: Caffeine content is highly unpredictable in coffee and tea drinks, especially in tea. Preparation has a huge impact on tea, and colour is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Teas like the green Japanese Gyokuro contain far more caffeine than much darker teas like Lapsang Souchong, which has very little. Even approximate caffeine contents assigned to teas are generally at best a very inaccurate guess
Michael S
2006-05-30 11:17:22 UTC
Mountain Dew
2006-05-30 09:24:23 UTC
This website has a list of I think of most foods that contain caffeine including the ones you have asked in your question.
2006-05-28 12:36:28 UTC
Mountain Dew
2006-05-28 06:28:37 UTC
Many "stimulant" drinks contain caffeine. I've heard that if u want to wake up fast eat an apple. It's better than drinking coffee!!! I hope this helped!
2006-05-28 04:52:11 UTC
Mountain Dew
2006-05-27 09:28:57 UTC
Mountain Dew
2006-05-27 09:24:17 UTC
food wise, those are about the only ones, energy drinks too, but it's good NOT to have caffeine. A recent study has shown that caffeine has been related to higher risk of heart attack.
2006-05-26 18:54:13 UTC
most or all energy drinks,Coke ,pepsi ,dr.pepper, Barqs' root beer, sunkist orange soda, diet coke, surge, mountain dew, josta, Java Water, Krank 20, Aqua Blast, Water Joe, Aqua Java, Juiced, coffee ice cream by starbucks and Häagen-Dazs included their frozen yorguts coffee flavors, Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt, Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt, and Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt
2006-05-28 11:23:49 UTC
Caffeine Content of Foods and Drugs

(this is a very complete chart)
2006-05-27 13:07:38 UTC

Milligrams of Caffeine




Coffee (8-oz. cup)

Brewed, drip method 85 65-120

Instant 75 60-85

Decaffeinated 3 2-4

Espresso (1 oz. cup) 40 30-50

Teas (8-oz. cup)

Brewed, major U.S. brands 40 20-90

Brewed, imported brands 60 25-110

Instant 28 24-31

Iced (8-oz. glass) 25 9-50

Some soft drinks (8 oz.) 24 20-40

Cocoa beverage (8 oz.) 6 3-32

Chocolate milk beverage (8 oz.) 5 2-7

Milk chocolate (1 oz.) 6 1-15

Dark chocolate, semi-sweet (1 oz.) 20 5-35

Baker's chocolate (1 oz.) 26 26

Chocolate-flavored syrup (1 oz.) 4 4

*Due to brewing method, plant vairety, brand, etc.


A 1986 study of 16,600 individuals published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found no relationship between coffee consumption and cancer risk. The most recent review by the International Agency for Research on Cancer also concluded that data do not support a link between caffeine consumption and cancer in humans.

According to the American Cancer Society, "Available information does not suggest a recommendation against the moderate use of coffee. There is no indication that caffeine, a natural component of both coffee and tea, is a risk factor in human cancer."


The word "addiction" is an old word meaning simply to be devoted or habituated to a practice. People who say they are "addicted" to caffeine tend to use the term loosely, like saying they are "addicted" to chocolate, running, working or television.

According to the World Health Organization, "There is no evidence whatsoever that caffeine use has even remotely comparable physical and social consequences which are associated with serious drugs of abuse." Some sensitive individuals may experience mild, temporary effects, including headache, restlessness and irritability when their daily intake is quickly and substantially altered. Medical experts have long agreed that any discomfort caused by abruptly stopping consumption of caffeine can be avoided by progressively decreasing intake over a few days.


A worldwide investigation of 100,000 deaths due to breast cancer found no relationship between caffeine intake and the development of this disease. Research has also shown that caffeine intake is not related to the development of fibrocystic breast disease (FBD), a condition with benign fibrous lumps in the breast, although caffeine is sometimes thought to aggravate this condition. Both the American Medical Association's Council on Scientific Affairs and the National Cancer Institute published reports stating there is not an association between caffeine intake and the incidence of FBD.


Research has shown that caffeine intake is not a significant risk factor for osteoporosis, particularly in women who consume adequate calcium. A 1994 NIH advisory panel concluded that caffeine has not been found to affect calcium absorption or excretion significantly. Several studies conducted to date show no link between moderate caffeine consumption and bone density and mineral content in women who consume some calcium in their diet.


Caffeine is a naturally occurring substance found in the leaves, seeds or fruits of more than 60 plants.

Coffee and cocoa beans, kola nuts and tea leaves are used to make beverages such as coffee, tea, cola drinks, and chocolate.

Caffeine is used as a flavor in a variety of beverages.

Caffeine will not help "sober up" someone who has consumed too much alcohol.


A report from the National Research Council on Diet and Health stated, "evidence linking coffee consumption to the risk of coronary heart weak and inconsistent."

A 1989 report from the well-respected Framingham Heart Study examined all potential links between caffeine intake and cardiovascular disease, and found no harmful effects from drinking coffee. A later Harvard University study confirmed this report, concluding that caffeine intake does not "appreciably increase the risk of coronary heart disease or stroke."

Caffeine does not cause chronic hypertension or any persistent increase in blood pressure. Some individuals sensitive to caffeine may experience a short-lived rise in blood pressure, usually not lasting more than several hours. Studies show any rise in blood pressure is modest and less than that normally experienced when climbing stairs.

However, individuals with high blood pressure should consult their physician about caffeine intake.

Related Information:

Caffeine and Women's Health

Caffeine and Health: Clarifying the Controversies

Questions and Answers About Caffeine and Health

All About Caffeine ADA CPE Program

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2006-05-27 02:23:40 UTC
soda,coffee, caffeinated waters (java water Krank 2o, water joe and Aqua Java) ice creams with chocolate and coffee flavors. coffee flaved yogurts such as yoplait cafe Au Lait yogurt. also Jolt Soda is great gives me a ton of caffeine or you can try the energy drinks they are exellent too
2006-06-01 07:15:44 UTC
2006-05-29 07:58:33 UTC
If you like Ice Cream you will enjoy the Ben & Jerry's Coffe Fudge Frozen Yogurt. It contains 85 mgs of caffein

Sunkist Orange 40 mgs
2006-05-28 08:18:13 UTC
Coffee, soda, and energy drink have caffeine. Just check the labels of things you buy or even before you buy it.
snowy dragon
2006-05-26 19:54:54 UTC
Rory Emerald Energy Drink, it's suppose to have the most caffeine of any drink on the market. Great question!
2016-12-15 10:08:49 UTC
What Has Caffeine In It
2006-05-27 07:17:56 UTC
not all sodas have caffeine like sprite.

not all teas have caffeine like organic and white tea.

all chocolate including "white" chocolate which in reality is not chocolate contains caffeine.

some nuts and a berry from south america contains caffeine.
2006-05-27 04:36:07 UTC
Chocolate contains caffeine.
2006-05-26 16:44:22 UTC
You could try using a caffeine tablet instead over here in the UK we have one called pro plus and they are tiny little pills you take with water whenever you feel tired. They do work well with a hangover anyway.
2006-05-26 15:41:27 UTC
Coffee, soda, chocolate,. Green tea has more than coffee. You might want to keep an eye on ordinary aspirin and I've even heard rumors about apples having a natural boost.
2006-05-30 08:51:21 UTC
Mountain Dew, Monster, Rock Star,
2006-05-29 14:42:59 UTC
Some medications:Excedrin

Sodas: Coke and Pepsi Products
2014-05-27 07:05:34 UTC
Chocolate derived from cocoa is a weak stimulant, mostly due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine. However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
2014-06-05 19:57:26 UTC
However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.
Brat Girl
2006-05-29 21:50:50 UTC
Try the energy drink Go Girl. It tastes like strawberry soda and part of the proceeds go to Breast Cancer Research The drink has a 155mg of caffiene. Good Luck
2006-05-29 11:20:53 UTC
why do you need caffeine? Caffeine increases your risk for coronary heart disease, at 10 grams is lethal, raises blood pressure, can easily bring on depression, reduces iron absorption, significanly increases your risk for at least five different cancers, and on and on.

Why not go off caffeine completely (yes, suffer the withdrawals) and then use exercise and healthy eating instead?
2006-05-28 17:40:49 UTC
you can eat some chocolate cake or what is better a dark chocolat, it's very good for your health but don't eat dark chocolat too much because you gonna win some pounds. I watching sometime on television a doctor talk about the good thing about black chocolat and buy 1 tablets put in your refrigerator and eat just 1 or 2 pieces each day and it gonna help you, don't forget just BLACK CHOCOLATE. p.s excuse my grammatical English but i try to do my best i'm a french woman
Jirapatr C
2006-05-27 20:16:50 UTC
Coca Cola
2006-05-27 18:32:00 UTC
Foods that have caffeine in them are coffee, and dark sodas.
2006-05-26 10:35:03 UTC
Besides those things already mentioned (coffee, tea, cola and other soft drinks), some pain tablets and cold/cough medicines also contain caffeine. And (this surprised me!) also frozen yoghurt!
2006-05-31 13:32:44 UTC
2006-05-30 11:19:17 UTC
(Chocolate, Green Tea,) I think Red Bull or Full Throttle, Coffee, Latte, Espresso, Some juices
2006-05-29 12:37:32 UTC
Coffee&soda have caffeine
2006-05-28 16:54:19 UTC
Mt. Dew, Coffee, other Cokes
2006-05-28 12:50:08 UTC
Energy drinks, coffee, some sodas, chocolate, hot chocolate, tea I think mostly everything but I'm not sure.
C. A. S.
2006-05-27 17:27:18 UTC
Anything with coffee, (like yogat, ice cream), soda, don't forget most of your soft drinks, asprin, caffeine pills for a boost.
Drive PZEV!
2006-05-27 17:13:17 UTC
Coffee, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Mug Root Beer, Red Bull, and many other energy drinks.
2006-05-26 19:30:19 UTC
Soft Drinks such as Coke, Coca-cola, Pop, Pepsi, etc. But not all soft drinks. There's an exception like Royal, 7-up, Sprite, etc.
2006-05-30 09:14:27 UTC
Energy drinks contain lots of caffeine.
2006-05-28 06:10:23 UTC
Coffee has the maximum amount of caffeine.
2006-05-29 07:58:13 UTC
Caffeine can also be found in Coffee
christina m
2006-05-28 14:34:14 UTC
food and drinks with caffeine:

brewed coffee 85mgs, instant coffee 60mgs, even decaffeinated coffee has caffeine 3msg. soda/pop 35 mgs per can, and cocoa has 5 mgs of caffeine
2006-05-29 23:05:42 UTC
Caffeine (sometimes called guaranine when found in guarana, mateine when found in mate, and theine when found in tea) is a xanthine alkaloid found in the leaves and beans of the coffee tree, in tea, yerba mate, guarana berries, and in small quantities in cocoa, the kola nut and the Yaupon holly

Caffeine equivalents

In general, each of the following contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine:

One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink
2006-05-28 19:29:44 UTC
Mountain Dew,
2006-05-28 12:12:11 UTC
Just about anything. Look at the label if caffeine is listed then it has caffeine in it
Regina H
2006-05-28 10:31:19 UTC
Ms. Cannon
2006-05-27 13:20:18 UTC
Everything. Literally. Nearly everything has some form of caffeine in it, not the best for most of us with attention span problems, but hey, they're mostly extremely small traces.
2006-05-27 06:50:40 UTC

Ben/Jerry No Fat Coffee,Fudge Froz. Yog.,

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream,Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream,

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar, citrus fruits,

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream,Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt,

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt,Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino, Yogurt, Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar,

Coffee Nips (hard candy)Dannon Coffee Yogurt,

Chocolate Bar,Chunky Bar,100 Grand Bar,Nestle Crunch Bar,

Krackel Bar,Peanut Butter Cup,Kit Kat Bar,Mr. Goodbar,

Raisinets,Butterfinger Bar,Baby Ruth Bar,

Special Dark Sweet Chocolate Bar,Chocolate Brownie,

Chocolate Chip Cookie,Chocolate Ice Cream,

Milk Chocolate,Bittersweet Chocolate,Butterfinger Bar,

After Eight Mint,Jell-O Pudding Pop Chocolate,


Red bull (& other energy drinks i am not sure of),

Coffee,Coffee decaf,Tea,java water,aqua blast,

Hot Cocoa,Chocolate Milk,Jolt Cola,Josta,Mountain Dew,

Surge,Diet Coca Cola,Coca Cola,Coca Cola Classic,

Tab,RC Cola,Dr. Pepper,Mello Yellow,Mr. Pibb,Pepsi Cola,

Cherry Coca-Cola,Surge,Mountain Dew,Nestea products,

7-Up,Mug Root Beer, Sprite,flavoured water(some only)


Dextrim,Vivarin,No doz,Excedrin,Vanquish,Anacin,

2006-05-26 22:39:38 UTC
Craigmont Cola 0 mg.

Sprite 0 mg.

Fanta 0 mg.

7-Up 0 mg. Fresca 0 mg.

Root Beer 0 mg.

Club Soda 0 mg.

Ginger Ale 0 mg.

Tonic Water 0 mg.

Orange Soda 0 mg.

Grape Soda 0 mg.
2006-05-26 21:45:36 UTC
energy beverage got some caffeine in it.

if u dont like choco,soda,coffee,tea.

hem,i just knew from u that chocolate have caffeine too.
2006-05-26 20:52:59 UTC
I'm sure coffee has caffeine. though nutritionist would be able to answer better or also check out on web sites based on health
Isaac Hayes
2006-05-28 10:33:03 UTC
Sodas, energy drinks especially Extra Joss
2006-05-27 20:31:29 UTC
caffeinated peppermints called Penquins. three mints equals the same amount of caffeine as a can of Coke.
2006-05-27 08:18:15 UTC
an apple is said to actually contain more caffeine than a cup of coffee! it's also a much healthier alternative :)
2006-05-27 01:03:26 UTC
Coffee/Carbonated soda drinks. : I can't drink things with caffeine,because they keep me from getting to sleep at night.
2006-05-30 08:26:47 UTC
Mountain dew has the highest legal amount of coffee for a soda, it has the absolute most. More than surge, only Jolt has more.
Little Witchy Girl
2006-05-30 07:13:23 UTC
Mountain Dew soda
2006-05-29 19:59:59 UTC
Mad Croc Cinniman Chewing Gum. Buy it at Target. 2 pieces has as much caffine as an 8 oz. glass of coffee w/o milk or cream.
2006-05-28 18:33:57 UTC
Caffeinated Waters:Java Water,Krank 20, Aqua Blast,Water Joe,Aqua Java


Frozen Desserts: Ben & Jerry's No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen

Yogurt,Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors,Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream,Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free,Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat,Starbucks Frappuccino Bar,Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream

Yogurts: Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt,Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt, Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt

Chocolates or Candies: Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar,Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling,Hershey Bar (milk chocolate),Coffee Nips (hard candy),Cocoa or Hot Chocolate

Teas: Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea,Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea,Tea(leaf or bag),Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties,Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened,Lipton Tea,Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties,Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened,Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea,Tea (green),Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties,Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry,Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea,Tea(instant),Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet,Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated,Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties,Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled,Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea
2006-05-27 14:46:50 UTC
Mountain Dew (only the American one; the canadian version does not contain caffine), some of those energy drinks, coffee, expresso, latte, Iced Cappacino from Tim Hortons...cant think of others!
2006-05-29 13:29:56 UTC
Coffee or allot of carbonated drinks. Some diet pills, cold medicine, and chocolate. I hoped I helped!
Brittney S
2006-05-29 12:15:33 UTC
I'm not sure about food wise but I know they make pills with caffeine in them to give you energy.
2006-05-28 20:13:25 UTC
Go through this link....they have the list of food with caffeine and the amount. Hope it helps you.
2006-05-27 08:52:29 UTC
chocolate and a lot of candy does and not only coke but root beer and dr pepper has caffeine too
2014-09-04 19:15:58 UTC
Diet pills and codeine have energy levels. Cocoa butter has caffeine which can be found in hot chocolate or cakes which we all know that one. Even toothpaste or mouthwash has energy level ingredients in it. Also, just type in the word "caffeine" in the yahoo search and you'll get your answers. It will take you to the food section or other links. It can also kill you too much caffeine so watch the level intake. It can rise your blood pressure and cause a stroke or heart attack. You can get seizures or dizziness. An 8 oz cup is the average per day for caffeine level. So, do the math and good luck with your chocolates. Also, bar of soap has caffeine and mud baths.
Adam H
2006-05-29 23:35:11 UTC
One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink
2006-05-29 14:42:41 UTC
Soda! Some gum does. My friend is addicted to gum with caffeine. uuuumm... energy pills, and other stuff. Probably a lot more stuff than we realize has caffeine in it.
2006-05-29 02:32:20 UTC
The following is a list of commonly-eaten foods which naturally contain caffeine:

Coffee/Tea/Cocoa/Chocolate/Kola Nuts

Many carbonated beverages ("soft drinks"), including:

Coke/Pepsi/Sprite/Dr. Pepper, etc.
2006-05-28 09:00:14 UTC
Mello Yello
2006-05-27 18:14:36 UTC
2006-05-27 15:45:45 UTC
Coffe Soda energy drinks
2006-05-26 20:16:23 UTC
Energy drinks have a lot of caffiene in them, but coffee's the number one for caffiene. Also, coffee tastes a lot nicer when it's a frapuccino and has caramel and/or chocolate in it. I don't always like coffee (even with milk, sugar, flavoring, etc in it), but I always like those frapuccinos.
2006-05-29 01:45:11 UTC
Caffeine (sometimes called guaranine when found in guarana, mateine when found in mate, and theine when found in tea)

Guarana (extracts from the guarana plant) is a natural source of caffine.

Caffine is found in yerba mate, guarana berries, and in small quantities in cocoa, the kola nut and the Yaupon holly.
2006-05-28 22:56:15 UTC
Red Bull,


Mountain Dew,

Sometimes Cream Soda, can't remember anything else.
2006-05-28 18:39:46 UTC
Soda! Drinks like Red Bull! Coffee... and anything designed to keep you awake.
mary w
2006-05-28 17:01:27 UTC
2006-05-28 15:38:10 UTC
The biggest thing people are forgetting to mention is the fact that Excedrin Tension Headache for migranes has caffeen in it...Its not bad...and can still be taken while pregnant...just make sure you ask the dr!
2006-05-27 12:05:06 UTC
2006-05-26 23:24:27 UTC
Mountain Dew has alot of caffine

Green Tea

if you need a fruit, vitamin C


other than taking over the counter pep pills, what i wrote is all i know.
2006-05-26 21:33:14 UTC
Ben & Jerry's ice cream

Starbuck's ice cream

Yoplait Cafe au Lait yogurt

Coffee Nips hard candies

Cocoa/Hot chocolate
2006-05-30 07:51:50 UTC
They actually have caffeinated water now... I'm not exactly sure where to buy it since, I've never looked for it (I'm a coffee-fiend myself :-p), but I have heard of it...
2006-05-27 07:00:19 UTC
Ice Tea, Nestea Ice Tea, Mountain Dew, Coffee icecream, so on so on so on
2006-05-26 22:15:35 UTC
Tea, coffee, cola, Mountain Dew, you can also buy cafeine pills at GNC or any health food store. They are good for speeding up your system so you can loose weight.
Mr. Wizard
2006-05-26 20:55:40 UTC
Certain highly popular soft drinks carry caffeine in them.
2006-05-29 04:40:14 UTC
well there are a lot ofthings, lots of times if something has a lot of sugar its sure to have caffine. now besides coke and coffe, welllllll there's some frozen yogherts, lots of ice creams, i dont know i just eat sweet stuff, its bacicly the same;)

good luck finding things!
2006-05-27 18:17:09 UTC
A LOT of food have caffeine in them-Gatorade,soda,coffee and more!
2006-05-27 09:26:34 UTC
all coffee and high in caffeine is your power drinks and sodas good one is jolt and coke
2006-05-27 04:51:09 UTC
some sodas i suppose have large amounts of caffeine apart from chocolate and tea.
2006-05-26 08:29:02 UTC
Coffee and Coca Cola.
confused chick
2006-05-30 10:33:48 UTC
Well believe it or not Jelly Belly jelly beans have caffeine it them. I'm not sure how much , but it's listed as one of the ingredients.
2006-05-30 01:08:10 UTC
Red Bull- *flap,flap,flap*-It gives you wings.( The company of Red Bull foods have sued CaliBoy15 for stealing motto-his court date is on Friday,broadcasted on Judge Joe Brown).
2006-05-29 21:53:52 UTC
If caffeine is what you want,drink 1 of those energy drink believe me you'll be flying...

2006-05-29 20:28:49 UTC
almost any mass marketed liquid contains a couple milligrams, a soda holds about 100mg, coffee holds 300mg, energy drinks can hold up to 800-1000mg, and chocolate holds about 30mg, tea can hold little to none, or unheard of amounts.
2006-05-29 19:46:27 UTC
Most soft drinks. Also, some green leafy plants have a little--it helps protect the leaves from insects
2006-05-29 06:54:26 UTC
Chocolade does not contain caffeine. People that think this are often addicted to suger.

Many people here in the west are addicted to suger. That is why suger disease is so common.

Go to your docter for more information.
2006-05-28 09:21:38 UTC
Product - Serving Size - Caffeine Amount (mg)

OTC Drugs

NoDoz, maximum strength; Vivarin 1 tablet 200

Excedrin 2 tablets 130

NoDoz, regular strength 1 tablet 100

Anacin 2 tablets 64


Coffee, brewed 8 ounces 135

General Foods International Coffee, Orange Cappuccino 8 ounces 102

Coffee, instant 8 ounces 95

General Foods International Coffee, Cafe Vienna 8 ounces 90

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Mocha 8 ounces 60-65

General Foods International Coffee, Swiss Mocha 8 ounces 55

Maxwell House Cappuccino, French Vanilla or Irish Cream 8 ounces 45-50

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Amaretto 8 ounces 25-30

General Foods International Coffee, Viennese Chocolate Cafe 8 ounces 26

Maxwell House Cappuccino, decaffeinated 8 ounces 3-6

Coffee, decaffeinated 8 ounces 5


Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea 16-ounce bottle 100

Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea 8 ounces 83

Tea, leaf or bag 8 ounces 50

Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties 16-ounce bottle 48

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened 8 ounces 25-45

Lipton Tea 8 ounces 35-40

Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 18-40

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened 8 ounces 15-35

Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 34

Tea, green 8 ounces 30

Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 15-30

Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry Tea 8 ounces 25

Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 22

Tea, instant 8 ounces 15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet 8 ounces 10-15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated 8 ounces < 5

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties 8 ounces 0

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled 16-ounce bottle 0

Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea 8 ounces 0

Soft Drinks

Josta 12 ounces 58

Mountain Dew 12 ounces 55

Surge 12 ounces 51

Diet Coke 12 ounces 47

Coca-Cola 12 ounces 45

Dr. Pepper, regular or diet 12 ounces 41

Sunkist Orange Soda 12 ounces 40

Pepsi-Cola 12 ounces 37

Barqs Root Beer 12 ounces 23

7-UP or Diet 7-UP 12 ounces 0

Barqs Diet Root Beer 12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Coca-Cola or Diet Coke 12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Pepsi or Diet Pepsi 12 ounces 0

Minute Maid Orange Soda 12 ounces 0

Mug Root Beer 12 ounces 0

Sprite or Diet Sprite 12 ounces 0

Caffeinated Waters

Java Water ½ liter

(16.9 ounces)125

Krank 20 ½ liter

(16.9 ounces)100

Aqua Blast ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 90

Water Joe ½ liter

(16.9 ounces)60-70

Aqua Java ½ liter

(16.9 ounces)50-60


Juiced 10 ounces 60

Frozen Desserts

Ben & Jerry’s No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt 1 cup 85

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors 1 cup 40-60

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream 1 cup 58

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free 1 cup 40

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat 1 cup 30

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar 1 bar

(2.5 ounces) 15

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream 1 cup 8

Yogurts, one container

Dannon Coffee Yogurt 8 ounces 45

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt 6 ounces 5

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces < 1

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces 0

Chocolates or Candies

Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bar 1 bar

(1.5 ounces) 31

Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling 1/3 bar

(1.2 ounces)24

Hershey Bar (milk chocolate) 1 bar

(1.5 ounces) 10

Coffee Nips (hard candy) 2 pieces 6

Cocoa or Hot Chocolate 8 ounces 5
2006-05-27 07:47:06 UTC
2006-05-29 18:17:27 UTC
some of the so be drinks contain Guiana a pure form of caffeine,they are really good for a pick-me-up.
2006-05-29 10:01:36 UTC
Another way to get your caffeine is through your skin. You can buy caffeine soap!
2006-05-28 22:14:21 UTC
Mountain Dew has high caffeine.
2006-05-29 14:58:30 UTC
Soda's, Some Kinds of Milk, Candy, Large amounts of rice. Thats all i can remember
2006-05-29 21:17:25 UTC
ever hear of mountain dew?,,it has a warning label and is the only pop/soda i know that does have a warning label,,,due to high caffeine content (100 milligrams per 500ml bottle) ((12oz))
2006-05-29 14:57:29 UTC
Dr Pepper, Cola and other fizzy drinks. Why do you ask, are you allergic to Caffeine?
2006-05-29 12:42:26 UTC
COFFEE, many sodas like cola and Mt. Dew!

sometimes chocolate is good for you and sometimes caffiene is good for calms them down. Ritalin is a stimulant just like helps you study and it helps kids with ADD.

did you know women should eat it when they are mestrating? also it causes lumps on women's breasts and tenderness too.
Chris E
2006-05-29 10:42:33 UTC
coke, 7 up, root beer, sprite, and the obvious u have put. as for foods, haagen das ice creams, coffee yoghurts, chocolate.
2006-05-29 04:20:37 UTC
RED BULL, BOOSTER and other high energy drink.



Red Bull is the brand name of an Austrian/Thai carbonated soft drink. Sold as an energy drink to combat mental and physical fatigue, it contains, per 250 ml serving, about 27 grams of sugar, 1000 mg of taurine, 600 mg of glucuronolactone, B-complex vitamins and 80 mg of caffeine. The caffeine in one serving is a little less than that found in an average cup of coffee (100 mg/8 oz. cup) or twice as much as found in a can of Coke (40 mg/12 oz. can). A sugar-free version has been available since the beginning of 2003. It is popular as a mixer, notably with vodka or Jägermeister which is called a JägerBlaster or JägerBomb, or (when served with the Jägermeister still in a shot glass) a Train Wreck. In Ireland, a non-alcoholic cocktail of Red Bull and red lemonade is called "a kick in the bollocks". Almost 1 billion of the slim 250ml cans were sold in 2000 in over 100 countries, 260 million of them in the UK. In 2003, almost 2 billion cans were sold in over 120 countries.

Due to Red Bull's popularity, countless imitations have been created, including Blue Ox, Red Rooster, American Bull, and Mad Croc. Overall, Red Bull has created a category that currently includes 125 products in the USA market. Several supermarket groups have created their own house brands. Examples include Tesco's Cranberry Diet Kick and ASDA's Lemon & Lime flavoured version. In Canada, RELOAD, Sobe Arush, Red Rain & Red Rave are popular imitations. RELOAD made a name for itself in the medias with a great press review by launching its line of drinks while knocking off the shelves big players such as KMX of Coca-Cola in Montreal C-Stores. In addition, several celebrities have launched their own energy drinks. Examples include rap superstar Nelly's energy drink, Pimp Juice, and Lil Jon has brought out the Crunk!!! energy drink.

Despite its rapid success having quickly attracted imitators, Red Bull is still dominant in the energy drink market (70 percent of the marketshare in 2003). Due to such copies, one of the most popular cocktails made with Red Bull, Vodka Red Bull, otherwise known as a "Reddy", is sometimes made with imitators in clubs and bars, such as Roaring Lion or Monster. This has resulted in a handful of a lawsuits by Red Bull North America, who alleges that consumers requesting Red Bull were given another energy drink in its place.
2006-05-27 23:05:36 UTC
Mountain Dew, I know has caffeine in it. Personally, I don't like it, but there's another option for you.
2006-05-27 19:10:44 UTC
Coffee and Pepsi
2006-05-27 05:10:18 UTC
Soft drink, coffee, tea
2006-05-27 03:32:28 UTC
Almost all type of carbonated soft drinks, coffee, tea, most of the artificial refreshers etc.
2016-06-20 19:02:22 UTC
Caffeine In Food
Kimberly H
2006-05-29 20:17:27 UTC
Coffee soad
2006-05-29 19:57:58 UTC
Pepsi & Coffee
2006-05-29 08:36:07 UTC
Guaraná is a fruit that gorws in Amazonas, it has a lot of caffeine and energy.
2006-05-29 06:56:52 UTC
I hope that thid will be of some help to you

Product Serving Size 1 Caffeine (mg) 2

OTC Drugs

NoDoz, maximum strength; Vivarin 1 tablet 200


2 tablets 130

NoDoz, regular strength

1 tablet 100


2 tablets 64


Coffee, brewed 8 ounces 135

General Foods International Coffee, Orange Cappuccino

8 ounces 102

Coffee, instant

8 ounces 95

General Foods International Coffee, Cafe Vienna

8 ounces 90

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Mocha

8 ounces 60-65

General Foods International Coffee, Swiss Mocha

8 ounces 55

Maxwell House Cappuccino, French Vanilla or Irish Cream

8 ounces 45-50

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Amaretto

8 ounces 25-30

General Foods International Coffee, Viennese Chocolate Cafe

8 ounces 26

Maxwell House Cappuccino, decaffeinated

8 ounces 3-6

Coffee, decaffeinated

8 ounces 5


Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea 16-ounce bottle 100

Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea

8 ounces 83

Tea, leaf or bag

8 ounces 50

Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties

16-ounce bottle 42

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened

8 ounces 25-45

Lipton Tea

8 ounces 35-40

Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties

16-ounce bottle 18-40

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened

8 ounces 15-35

Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea

16-ounce bottle 34

Tea, green

8 ounces 30

Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties

16-ounce bottle 15-30

Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry

Tea 8 ounces 25

Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea

16-ounce bottle 22

Tea, instant

8 ounces 15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet

8 ounces 10-15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated

8 ounces < 5

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties

8 ounces 0

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled

16-ounce bottle 0

Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea

8 ounces 0

Soft Drinks

Josta 12 ounces 58

Mountain Dew

12 ounces 55.5


12 ounces 52.5

Diet Coke

12 ounces 46.5

Coca-Cola classic

12 ounces 34.5

Dr. Pepper, regular or diet

12 ounces 42

Sunkist Orange Soda

12 ounces 42


12 ounces 37.5

Barqs Root Beer

12 ounces 22.5

7-UP or Diet 7-UP

12 ounces 0

Barqs Diet Root Beer

12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Coca-Cola or Diet Coke

12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Pepsi or Diet Pepsi

12 ounces 0

Minute Maid Orange Soda

12 ounces 0

Mug Root Beer

12 ounces 0

Sprite or Diet Sprite

12 ounces 0

Caffeinated Waters

Java Water 1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 125

Krank 20

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 100

Aqua Blast

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 90

Water Joe

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 60-70

Aqua Java

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 50-60


Juiced 10 ounces 60

Frozen Desserts

Ben & Jerry's No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt 1 cup 85

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors

1 cup 40-60

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream

1 cup 58

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free

1 cup 40

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat

1 cup 30

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar

1 bar (2.5 ounces) 15

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream

1 cup 8

Yogurts, one container

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt

6 ounces 5

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt

8 ounces < 1

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt

8 ounces 0

Chocolates or Candies

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar 1 bar (1.5 ounces) 31

Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling

1/3 bar (1.2 ounces) 24

Hershey Bar (milk chocolate)

1 bar (1.5 ounces) 10

Coffee Nips (hard candy)

2 pieces 6

Cocoa or Hot Chocolate
Matt SB
2006-05-29 03:37:38 UTC
Energy drinks have caffeine as well as taurine, which is like caffeine on caffeine. I like MDX.
2006-05-28 21:49:40 UTC
well u could eat an apple, i read that they have more caffeine then tea and coffee.
2006-05-30 02:30:47 UTC
red bull drink and any other energy like foods with caffeine.
2006-05-29 14:54:09 UTC
Energy drinks, and certain pain relievers specifically for headaches ie Floricet, Cafatine PB, Micomp-PB, Urkaf-PB
shiny and late
2006-05-28 16:03:21 UTC
Coffe, energy drinks and soda, but you can get decaffinated coffee energy drinks and soda. My litle brother says red bull is really good.
2006-05-28 13:59:27 UTC
Chocolate, tea and some soft drinks (Mountain Dew and most colas)
2006-05-27 18:54:46 UTC
Soft drinks, cofee, punch, Sour Cream cake. Many things
2006-05-27 01:21:57 UTC
Coffee n colas
2006-05-29 23:34:17 UTC
Beats Me
2006-05-29 13:41:37 UTC
An Apple has more caffine than one cup of coffee
2006-05-29 13:20:04 UTC
look at the ingredients on things,look for things that have cocoa solids in them, best things are caffeine based diet pills, you can get your caffeine buzz and loose weight. HEAVEN OR WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2006-05-28 22:11:44 UTC
mountain dew got most caffeine of all the soft drinks
2006-05-28 11:49:31 UTC
caffeine is in some pain relievers, cold remedies, sodas.

click the link to see how much
2006-05-29 22:26:28 UTC
2006-05-29 20:34:28 UTC

2006-05-29 19:51:26 UTC
gurana is a natural form of caffeine
2006-05-29 08:14:01 UTC
Coffee and soft drinks
2006-05-29 03:02:46 UTC
Dream Bree
2006-05-28 19:46:56 UTC
caffeine pills at the gas station. they are ephedra free and FDA approved. Stacker's and yellow swarms are the best but be prepared to be zooming!
2006-05-28 09:04:31 UTC
coffee, soda, some kinds of cake, tea, some candy or some kind of cookies, ice tea, some cold medicine, and some drugs.
Z, unnecessary letter
2006-05-27 21:36:26 UTC
There's a mint chocolate cliff bar that has caffiene. And you can get caffinated mints. And of course there's more energy drinks than you can imagine.
2006-05-26 19:33:51 UTC
soda, red bull, all energy drink

did you know that caffeine does not keep you awake?> it just prevents your body from sending the message that your body is tired
single mom
2006-05-29 16:16:31 UTC
Yogurt, juice drinks,coffee, energy drinks, some alcoholic beverages,soda,drinks that fizz and candy!
2006-05-29 10:22:21 UTC
Red Bull has lots and lots of caffeine!!!
2006-05-26 08:27:52 UTC
Coffee, soda
2006-05-29 23:02:07 UTC
Brown fizzy drinks like coca cola
2006-05-28 16:33:52 UTC
Coffee,candy,soda,and liqour.
2006-05-28 14:28:28 UTC
any thing that has high amount or sugar in it has caffeine . try two fry sugar and u would understand what i am talking about but be very care full
♥ Sydd
2006-05-27 07:31:27 UTC
Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, Pepsi, and lots of other sodas!!
2006-05-29 16:37:31 UTC
Various types of soda (Mountain Dew, Sunkist, Pepsi, Coke, etc.)

"Energy drinks" (AKA Red Bull, and others like it.)

However, too much caffiene isn't good for you, like too much of anything else... so whatever it is, go easy on it.
Daddy P
2006-05-29 11:35:12 UTC
Mt dew im told has alot or maybe those energy drinks like Reb bull?
2006-05-29 08:04:00 UTC
Coffee, many sodas, (coke, pepsi, other colas)

LOTS of foods you wouldn't expect,too!!
2006-05-29 07:23:17 UTC
Dr pepper
Judas Rabbi
2006-05-28 19:44:30 UTC
Chocolate, soda, power drinks
yeller at your gril
2006-05-28 06:50:39 UTC
You know the gum that you chew have all the caffeine you want.
2006-05-26 20:11:56 UTC
Lemonade, Pink Lemonade, Candy, Ice Cream, I think oh wait thats sugar...
goodbye and good luck :-)
2006-05-30 07:38:33 UTC
You can find out on the internet and of course by reading the labels on the foods in the shops.

2006-05-29 15:00:19 UTC
Non no caffine drinks like soda such as ginger ale, root beer and espiacally energy drinks like Monster!

2006-05-29 01:30:03 UTC
coffee coke dr pepper pepsi any black drink but some root beers dont i think barbs has caffine
2006-05-28 09:30:44 UTC
Most sodas and coffee of course!
2006-05-27 11:29:11 UTC
You can drink and energy drink, soda, by the way, TEA ISN'T A FOOD.
2006-05-26 22:27:20 UTC
Exedrin. It's not a food, but a powerful headache medicine. If you ever get a headache, and no medicine seems to work, try Exedrin. It really works.
2006-05-26 19:15:30 UTC
coffee, some soda, Mtn Dew, Red bull, and most energy drinks.
2006-05-26 18:45:50 UTC
Just get some crystal meth and forget the caffeine.
2006-05-30 17:44:08 UTC
Some medicines. Cokes.
2006-05-29 20:42:30 UTC
coffee, kola nuts, gums and candies with caffiene added to them, energy drinks like Red Bull, colas.
2006-05-29 08:05:09 UTC
Cola, candy, coffee, Soft drinks, kola- lade
2006-05-28 18:13:26 UTC
Coffee, coke, java bean, coco bean, caffee candy, coffee cake and many many
2006-05-27 23:44:20 UTC
I've heard from a friend that there's this gum called "Mad Croc Gum" and it supposedly has caffiene in it. It's kind of like an energy drink, but in gum. (P.S. Beware of it's taste though)
2006-05-27 15:37:55 UTC
Cafeine is only found in Juices, beverages and may access a list of products available at
sir paddlemonkey
2006-05-27 00:31:48 UTC
caffeine tablets and some energy drinks
2006-06-01 18:00:32 UTC
caffeine is really bad for you and it only gives you a short burst of energy for more prolonged and less harmful effect you should eat more carbohydrates found in bread and pasta
2014-06-16 09:39:14 UTC
three mints equals the same amount of caffeine as a can of Coke.
2006-05-29 20:25:02 UTC
Pop, coffee and alot of different engergy drinks
2006-05-29 14:17:04 UTC
soda like Coke, Root Beer, and DR. pepper. and Coffie
2006-05-29 07:33:12 UTC
well im not so sure about caffine but if you want something to help you wake up eat an apple.. it is proven that it is not actually caffine that wakes you up... apples work better to energize you rather than soda or coffee
2006-05-28 17:46:55 UTC
Soda, soft drinks, iced tea, and some painkillers and energy drinks.
2006-05-28 14:52:00 UTC
coffee, coke cola, b.m.p drink, red bull, certain chocolate bars
2006-05-28 08:17:28 UTC
Well it's obvious that soda also has caffeine
2006-05-27 16:59:27 UTC
coffee, soda, candy can get u hyped up.... mountain dew has a LOTTA caffeine
2006-05-30 11:25:56 UTC
Surprisingly, I've heard that frozen yogurt and some Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream has some caffine in it!
2006-05-29 19:57:59 UTC
soda, tea, some asprins,any meds for head ache, coffee, energy drinks, energy pills. always read ingredients!
2006-05-29 01:14:03 UTC
Even Midol and Bayer aspirin
2006-05-26 18:34:54 UTC
Coffee, soda ,and energy drinks.
2006-05-29 10:17:08 UTC
some types of alcholic drinks have some caffeine.
2014-09-16 13:59:59 UTC
Even the internet has changed a lot from ten years ago.

We never know what the future will hold. Everyone thought Henry Ford's car wouldn't last. No one thought the television would last. Maybe I'm wrong, and the internet will last.
2006-05-30 00:54:59 UTC
Any food you eat when u r hungry and sitting with the personyou love!
2006-05-29 20:28:45 UTC
"Yerba mate" (ilex paraguayensis), a herbal beverage consumed by people in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and parts of Chili and Brazil (southern region).
2006-05-29 00:39:30 UTC
Mountain dew.
2006-05-28 21:37:14 UTC
Mountian dew
2006-05-28 18:51:47 UTC
Product Serving

Size 1 Caffeine (mg)2

OTC Drugs

NoDoz, maximum strength; Vivarin 1 tablet 200

Excedrin 2 tablets 130

NoDoz, regular strength 1 tablet 100

Anacin 2 tablets 64


Coffee, brewed 8 ounces 135

General Foods International Coffee, Orange Cappuccino 8 ounces 102

Coffee, instant 8 ounces 95

General Foods International Coffee, Cafe Vienna 8 ounces 90

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Mocha 8 ounces 60-65

General Foods International Coffee, Swiss Mocha 8 ounces 55

Maxwell House Cappuccino, French Vanilla or Irish Cream 8 ounces 45-50

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Amaretto 8 ounces 25-30

General Foods International Coffee, Viennese Chocolate Cafe 8 ounces 26

Maxwell House Cappuccino, decaffeinated 8 ounces 3-6

Coffee, decaffeinated 8 ounces 5


Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea 16-ounce bottle 100

Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea 8 ounces 83

Tea, leaf or bag 8 ounces 50

Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties 16-ounce bottle 48

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened 8 ounces 25-45

Lipton Tea 8 ounces 35-40

Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 18-40

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened 8 ounces 15-35

Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 34

Tea, green 8 ounces 30

Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties 16-ounce bottle 15-30

Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry Tea 8 ounces 25

Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea 16-ounce bottle 22

Tea, instant 8 ounces 15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet 8 ounces 10-15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated 8 ounces < 5

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties 8 ounces 0

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled 16-ounce bottle 0

Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea 8 ounces 0

Soft Drinks

Josta 12 ounces 58

Mountain Dew 12 ounces 55

Surge 12 ounces 51

Diet Coke 12 ounces 47

Coca-Cola 12 ounces 45

Dr. Pepper, regular or diet 12 ounces 41

Sunkist Orange Soda 12 ounces 40

Pepsi-Cola 12 ounces 37

Barqs Root Beer 12 ounces 23

7-UP or Diet 7-UP 12 ounces 0

Barqs Diet Root Beer 12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Coca-Cola or Diet Coke 12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Pepsi or Diet Pepsi 12 ounces 0

Minute Maid Orange Soda 12 ounces 0

Mug Root Beer 12 ounces 0

Sprite or Diet Sprite 12 ounces 0

Caffeinated Waters

Java Water ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 125

Krank 20 ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 100

Aqua Blast ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 90

Water Joe ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 60-70

Aqua Java ½ liter

(16.9 ounces) 50-60


Juiced 10 ounces 60

Frozen Desserts

Ben & Jerry’s No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt 1 cup 85

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors 1 cup 40-60

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream 1 cup 58

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free 1 cup 40

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat 1 cup 30

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar 1 bar

(2.5 ounces) 15

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream 1 cup 8

Yogurts, one container

Dannon Coffee Yogurt 8 ounces 45

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt 6 ounces 5

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces < 1

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt 8 ounces 0

Chocolates or Candies

Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Bar 1 bar

(1.5 ounces) 31

Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling 1/3 bar

(1.2 ounces) 24

Hershey Bar (milk chocolate) 1 bar

(1.5 ounces) 10

Coffee Nips (hard candy) 2 pieces 6

Cocoa or Hot Chocolate 8 ounces 5

2006-05-27 16:05:05 UTC

2006-05-30 07:44:05 UTC

Energy drinks

Coffee Ice Cream (YUM!)
2006-05-30 02:40:01 UTC
I think coffee and soda drinks.
2006-05-29 12:13:10 UTC
Coffee, sodas, some ice creams, yogurt...
2006-05-28 09:12:30 UTC
holy crap! how do you read all these answers! Either your question has been here a while or a lot of people like your question. Either way,249 answers is insane.
2006-05-28 08:45:21 UTC
Coke: it makes u crazy
2006-05-27 15:48:38 UTC
red bull and mt dew have lots of caffeine
2006-05-27 14:40:03 UTC
Mountain Dew, pepsi, and candy have caffine in them because they are made to drink and eat and also have that stuff in them. And Dr. Pepper has that stuff in it too.
2006-05-27 05:26:51 UTC
Cola (all brands) and energy drinks such as Bed Bull.
2006-05-29 21:51:12 UTC
Caffeine Content of Foods and Drugs

Product Serving Size 1 Caffeine (mg) 2

OTC Drugs

NoDoz, maximum strength; Vivarin 1 tablet 200


2 tablets 130

NoDoz, regular strength

1 tablet 100


2 tablets 64


Coffee, brewed 8 ounces 135

General Foods International Coffee, Orange Cappuccino

8 ounces 102

Coffee, instant

8 ounces 95

General Foods International Coffee, Cafe Vienna

8 ounces 90

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Mocha

8 ounces 60-65

General Foods International Coffee, Swiss Mocha

8 ounces 55

Maxwell House Cappuccino, French Vanilla or Irish Cream

8 ounces 45-50

Maxwell House Cappuccino, Amaretto

8 ounces 25-30

General Foods International Coffee, Viennese Chocolate Cafe

8 ounces 26

Maxwell House Cappuccino, decaffeinated

8 ounces 3-6

Coffee, decaffeinated

8 ounces 5


Celestial Seasonings Iced Lemon Ginseng Tea 16-ounce bottle 100

Bigelow Raspberry Royale Tea

8 ounces 83

Tea, leaf or bag

8 ounces 50

Snapple Iced Tea, all varieties

16-ounce bottle 42

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, unsweetened

8 ounces 25-45

Lipton Tea

8 ounces 35-40

Lipton Iced Tea, assorted varieties

16-ounce bottle 18-40

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, sweetened

8 ounces 15-35

Nestea Pure Sweetened Iced Tea

16-ounce bottle 34

Tea, green

8 ounces 30

Arizona Iced Tea, assorted varieties

16-ounce bottle 15-30

Lipton Soothing Moments Blackberry

Tea 8 ounces 25

Nestea Pure Lemon Sweetened Iced Tea

16-ounce bottle 22

Tea, instant

8 ounces 15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, diet

8 ounces 10-15

Lipton Natural Brew Iced Tea Mix, decaffeinated

8 ounces < 5

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Tea, all varieties

8 ounces 0

Celestial Seasonings Herbal Iced Tea, bottled

16-ounce bottle 0

Lipton Soothing Moments Peppermint Tea

8 ounces 0

Soft Drinks

Josta 12 ounces 58

Mountain Dew

12 ounces 55.5


12 ounces 52.5

Diet Coke

12 ounces 46.5

Coca-Cola classic

12 ounces 34.5

Dr. Pepper, regular or diet

12 ounces 42

Sunkist Orange Soda

12 ounces 42


12 ounces 37.5

Barqs Root Beer

12 ounces 22.5

7-UP or Diet 7-UP

12 ounces 0

Barqs Diet Root Beer

12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Coca-Cola or Diet Coke

12 ounces 0

Caffeine-free Pepsi or Diet Pepsi

12 ounces 0

Minute Maid Orange Soda

12 ounces 0

Mug Root Beer

12 ounces 0

Sprite or Diet Sprite

12 ounces 0

Caffeinated Waters

Java Water 1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 125

Krank 20

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 100

Aqua Blast

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 90

Water Joe

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 60-70

Aqua Java

1/2 liter (16.9 ounces) 50-60


Juiced 10 ounces 60

Frozen Desserts

Ben & Jerry's No Fat Coffee Fudge Frozen Yogurt 1 cup 85

Starbucks Coffee Ice Cream, assorted flavors

1 cup 40-60

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Ice Cream

1 cup 58

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Frozen Yogurt, fat-free

1 cup 40

Häagen-Dazs Coffee Fudge Ice Cream, low-fat

1 cup 30

Starbucks Frappuccino Bar

1 bar (2.5 ounces) 15

Healthy Choice Cappuccino Chocolate Chunk or Cappuccino Mocha Fudge Ice Cream

1 cup 8

Yogurts, one container

Yoplait Cafe Au Lait Yogurt

6 ounces 5

Dannon Light Cappuccino Yogurt

8 ounces < 1

Stonyfield Farm Cappuccino Yogurt

8 ounces 0

Chocolates or Candies

Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate Bar 1 bar (1.5 ounces) 31

Perugina Milk Chocolate Bar with Cappuccino Filling

1/3 bar (1.2 ounces) 24

Hershey Bar (milk chocolate)

1 bar (1.5 ounces) 10

Coffee Nips (hard candy)

2 pieces 6

Cocoa or Hot Chocolate

8 ounces 5

1 -- Serving sizes are based on commonly eaten portions, pharmaceutical instructions, or the amount of the leading-selling container size. For example, beverages sold in 16-ounce or half-liter bottles were counted as one serving.

2 -- Sources: National Coffee Association, National Soft Drink Association, Tea Council of the USA, and information provided by food, beverage, and pharmaceutical companies and J.J. Barone, H.R. Roberts (1996) "Caffeine Consumption." Food Chemistry and Toxicology, vol. 34, pp. 119-129.

2006-05-29 09:18:04 UTC
every soda except the ones that say no caffeine on their label.Kinda obivous.
2006-05-27 17:12:41 UTC
Other tahn the ones u mentioned milk and frozen yogurt have caffine.
2006-05-27 12:05:42 UTC
Red Bull works!!!! Chocolate usually has no caffiene.
2006-05-29 13:09:43 UTC
soda coffee energy drinks and candy
Kori Rrr
2006-05-29 08:30:36 UTC
coffee, soda, caffeinated waters, juice, cappuccino yogurts, medicines, and more
Gary H
2006-05-27 12:19:30 UTC
Any supplements containing Kola Nut:

Description---This tree grows about 40 feet high, has yellow flowers, spotted with purple; leaves 6 to 8 inches long, pointed at both ends.

The seeds are extensively used as a condiment by the natives of Western and Central tropical Africa, also by the negroes of the West Indies and Brazil, who introduced the trees to these countries.

In Western Africa these trees are usually found growing near the sea-coast, and a big trade is carried on with the nuts by the natives of the interior- Cola being eaten by them as far as Fezzan and Tripoli. A small piece is chewed before each meal to promote digestion; it is also thought to improve the flavour of anything eaten after it and even to render putrid water palatable; the powder is applied to cuts.

There are several kinds of Cola seeds derived from different species, but the Cola vera are most generally used and preferred for medicinal purposes. Those from West Africa and West Indies supply the commercial drug. C. acuminata, or Gurru Nuts, are employed in the same way as C. vera; they are from a tree growing in Cameron and Congo, not esteemed so highly, but much in use as a caffeine stimulant; 600 tons are said to be sent yearly to Brazil for the negroes' use, who also employ the seeds of S. Chica and S. Striata. The Kola of commerce consists of the separated cotyledons of the kernel of the seed; when fresh it is nearly white, on drying it undergoes a fermentative change, turning reddish brown and losing much of its astringency. The dried cotyledons vary in size from 1 to 2 inches, are irregular in shape but roughly plano-convex, exterior reddy brown, interior paler, easily cut, showing a uniform section, odourless and almost tasteless. Large quantities of the fresh seeds are employed in Africa on account of their sustaining properties, where they form an important article of inland commerce.

---Constituents---The different varieties of nuts give a greater or lesser percentage of caffeine, which is only found in the fresh state. The seeds are said to contain a glucoside, Kolanin, but this substance appears to be a mixture of Kola red and caffeine. The seeds also contain starch, fatty matter, sugar, a fat decomposing enzyme acting on various oils.

---Medicinal Action and Uses---The properties of Kola are the same as caffeine, modified only by the astringents present. Fresh Kola Nuts have stimulant action apart from the caffeine content, but as they appear in European commerce, their action is indistinguishable from that of other caffeine drugs and Kola red is inert. Kola is also a valuable nervine, heart tonic, and a good general tonic.

---Adulterations---Male Kola (not to be confused with Kola) is the fruit of a small tree, Garcinia Kola, and contains no caffeine. The fruit is oblong, from 2 to 3 inches long and 1 inch broad; it is trigonal in section, reddish brown with nutmeg-like markings. Taste, bitter and astringent. Under microscope shows resinous masses, surrounded by cells full of starch. The seeds of Lucuma Mammosa are sometimes found mixed with Kola Nuts, but are easily detected by their strong smell of prussic acid. Hertiera Litorales seeds are also sometimes found mixed with Kola Nuts.

C. Ballayi (cornu) seeds are also used, but these are easily distinguished as the seeds have six cotyledons and contain little caffeine.

---Preparations---Fluid extract of Kola, 10 to 40 drops. Solid extract alc., 2 to 8 grains.
2006-05-30 00:54:52 UTC
Hannibal Lector would tell you that "I" am...and as he is watching his liver, I am for the moment safe. My caffeine intake is astronomical.
2006-05-29 22:54:04 UTC
Coffee and non-diet soda.
2006-05-28 20:33:12 UTC
Energy drinks, like Red bull or rockstar ect...
Gordon Freeman
2006-05-28 06:23:57 UTC
Energy drinks.
2006-05-27 23:18:03 UTC
Coffee,Coca cola,soda etc
2006-05-27 03:17:25 UTC
coffee, soda, energy drinks, energy gum such as jolt gum, watch out for taurine and guarine, which are the components for caffiene if you are avoiding it too
2006-05-26 21:42:40 UTC
Almost every soda and some tipes of aspirine too
2006-05-29 09:35:28 UTC
like it was, energy drinks, mtn dew, and about anything with lots and lots of sugar....

if you have too much, it could actually hurt your brain forever so make sure you only take as much caffine as you can handle...

Good luck...
2006-05-29 07:45:53 UTC
Some pain killers and energy drinks.
2006-05-29 07:00:33 UTC
Pain reliever, yogurt, energy drink, juices
2006-05-29 01:36:27 UTC
cold drinks , coffee and some preserved things
2006-05-28 15:23:06 UTC
chocolate, coke, coffee,tea,
2006-05-27 18:12:34 UTC
Coffee and soda.
2006-05-27 06:06:40 UTC
coffee cake, sometimes you can buy chocolate covered coffee beans from starbucks
adun folake s
2006-05-27 03:38:29 UTC
if you really want caffeine eat African colanut and the other one called bitter cola .
2006-05-29 08:50:41 UTC
coffee, TAB, red bull some sodas
2006-05-28 17:42:50 UTC
Cappucino, soda pop, some juice, tonic water, and lots of other stuff.
2006-05-29 19:18:09 UTC
coffee and some brands of soda
rashmi g
2006-05-29 04:44:36 UTC
Cola, Painkillers and choclate
Linda h
2006-05-28 02:09:17 UTC
hot cocoa, jolt cola, mountain dew,chocolate milk chocolate syrup, and also chocolate candy and cakes oh almost forgot chocolate cookies
Sylvia E
2006-05-28 00:42:47 UTC
Soda, like pepsi, and coke.
2006-05-27 14:06:48 UTC
caffeine pills
2006-06-02 03:09:33 UTC
Well Soft Drinks like: Coca-cola, pepsi-cola and other carbonated drinks have caffiene
2006-05-29 17:35:11 UTC
coffee, soda, energy drinks (especially red bull)
2006-05-29 15:42:43 UTC
Try cokes and lemonades
2006-05-29 07:41:42 UTC
there's a brand of water that is caffeinated. i think it's called java joe or something. you can google it.
2006-05-28 11:58:38 UTC
coffee, soda, nd that gum for college students who wana stay awake all nite to study. i think its called No-Doze u can get it at 7eleven
2006-05-26 22:27:56 UTC
Coffee is the biggie.
2006-05-26 11:53:25 UTC
pep pill such as pro plus and other tirdness relife pills generally contail high amounts of caffine
2016-04-07 10:58:23 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

Cocoa and chocolates.
Laura N
2006-05-29 14:06:42 UTC
coffee has caffeine in it.
Tuxedo Man
2006-05-29 11:39:54 UTC
CANDY! zingos breath mints extra strength caffined mints
New York's finest
2006-05-29 10:18:46 UTC
Any soda or energy drink that doesn't say caffine free
2006-05-29 07:45:50 UTC
try energy drinks or over the counter energy pills..those fat burners i take and they really is good, i do not drink coffee....but diet pepsi and a couple fat burners will get you going...i know it does for me..
2006-05-28 11:11:09 UTC
alot of over the counter meds, energy drinks, most sodas
walrus carpenter
2006-05-28 09:23:49 UTC
Apples. It's took me a while to understand why I couldn't sleep after having one...
2006-05-27 12:08:35 UTC
coffee, soda, some energy drinks.
2006-05-29 21:24:11 UTC
if you need some energy, just eat some fruits. Its mild, but balanced. No spikes and downs.
Bimenyimana E
2006-05-29 14:31:11 UTC
coffee and coke
2006-05-29 06:12:03 UTC
coffee, all kinds of soda, and energy drinks
2006-05-27 06:19:08 UTC
frozen yogurt, coffee, alcohol, pop, energy drinks (monster and red bull), and i think some fruits
2006-05-26 19:27:02 UTC
almost all cola beverages. 7 up,sprite and barg's diet,Fresca don't contain any caffeine
2014-10-08 19:39:20 UTC
We never know what the future will hold. Everyone thought Henry Ford's car wouldn't last. No one thought the television would last. Maybe I'm wrong, and the internet will last.
2014-05-28 11:37:04 UTC
There will be more senior citizens online as many countries are dealing with aging populations (baby boomers) and their parents who are already quite computer and online literate. Therefore, there will be more site dedicated to older people.
2006-05-29 20:50:23 UTC
coffee, soda, and anything gives you a big blast of energy.
2006-05-29 10:15:23 UTC
coke, dr pepper, coffee, pepsi, and most soda
2006-05-29 01:21:24 UTC

will give a list of products having caffeine.

and click next for more.
2006-05-28 16:00:25 UTC
coffee, soda and energy drinks
Natalie S
2006-05-28 15:40:37 UTC
wow I dont think that there is a answer that I can come up with that people havent already side. Sorry
2006-05-28 11:54:58 UTC
it mostly comes from coffee beans and tea
2006-05-27 23:18:46 UTC
Here's a great link for that info. Hope it helps.
2006-05-27 07:41:28 UTC
cokes coffee and thats all that i know about.
2006-05-27 06:50:14 UTC
Surprisingly, tea does.

Green tea doesn't and is brilliant for your health.
2006-05-27 05:43:20 UTC
I willing to bet most prepacked diet foods do.
2006-05-27 01:22:56 UTC
coffee and soda, like pepsi, mountain dew
2006-05-26 19:53:48 UTC
okay try jolt gum (the equvialent of two cups o' coffee)
2006-05-30 23:35:10 UTC
if you eat or drink something with caffeine in it and then vomit profusely shortly thereafter, the vomit has caffeine in it. bet no one thought of that
Satyen R
2006-05-29 22:52:25 UTC
coffee,soda ,coke
2006-05-29 16:37:53 UTC
Most energy drinks have caffine
2006-05-28 14:30:45 UTC
i really dont know. just to tell u but i'm not really that smart and its a VERY good reason why but i cant say. but here's a clue being YOUNG is the best!!!
2006-05-28 13:42:51 UTC
sodas,coffee,and energy drinks
2006-05-27 23:51:38 UTC
coffee, coca cola, pepsi, mt dew ,energy drinks
2006-05-27 21:33:00 UTC
soda,and some types of candy(rather than chocolate)
2006-05-27 09:36:09 UTC
coffee, coke, v, red bull (and all energy drinks).
2006-05-27 08:02:03 UTC
Some kinds of pops!
2006-05-27 01:33:42 UTC
coffee, coke
2006-05-26 08:29:21 UTC
coffee, coke, pepsi, dr pepper
2006-05-29 14:11:54 UTC
2006-05-29 10:44:48 UTC
2006-05-28 23:53:44 UTC
Chocolate does so all products that contain chocolate.
2006-05-28 20:54:57 UTC
2006-05-28 09:58:44 UTC
2006-05-28 01:44:50 UTC
coffee, energy drinks
2006-05-27 19:31:42 UTC
coke, coffee, sundrop, enery drink, mt dew
2006-05-27 15:23:38 UTC
you can buy caffeine pills actually - i saw them in superdrug yesterday
2006-05-27 09:54:04 UTC
Exedrin. Really.
2006-05-27 02:25:00 UTC
2006-05-29 21:44:14 UTC
2006-05-29 09:08:14 UTC
2006-05-27 23:53:07 UTC
2006-05-26 21:02:56 UTC
energy drinks,coffee, soda, candy
2006-05-30 02:05:13 UTC
Some drugs too contain it
2006-05-29 14:07:49 UTC
i think some types of soda, coffee, and candy have caffine
2006-05-29 00:57:53 UTC
there is a pill formula of something called vivarin r something like that any way its available at wal-marts r other drugstores!!
Elizabeth D
2006-05-28 22:18:05 UTC
energy drink, food supplements aka vitamins
2006-05-28 19:49:06 UTC
tea,coffee pills
bumbeekate B
2006-05-28 17:11:07 UTC
coke product
2006-05-28 08:07:16 UTC
Pepsi and coke.
2006-05-27 21:32:41 UTC
Red bull, vault, full throttle, i think ice cream or frozen yogurt.

Hope i helped!!
Pranav Mukul
2006-05-27 03:17:25 UTC
ur wrong tea doesn't have caffeine it has tanin

by the way what is GALVESTON
2006-05-26 08:34:54 UTC
coffee, lots of so called 'energy' drinks
2006-05-30 02:20:30 UTC
Red Bull has lots of stimulants...but too much can screw up ur metabolism
2006-05-29 21:12:45 UTC
2006-05-29 07:02:34 UTC
coke cola, red bull
2006-05-27 06:30:48 UTC
cofee, soda, energy drinks, and some flavored water, frozen yogurt, apples, any alchohol, apples, oranges, and other fruit
2006-05-26 22:55:10 UTC
2006-05-26 20:24:40 UTC
Energy drinks and sweets but, bananas give you energy too.
sankar m
2006-05-29 10:09:18 UTC
2006-05-31 07:50:32 UTC
mostly any soft drink but sprite a lot of energy drinks though
2006-05-30 03:43:49 UTC
soda, energy drinks, and coffee
2006-05-29 22:28:41 UTC
cofee , power drinks , soda , any weed

vote for dana82 she spent lots of time
angela m
2006-05-29 11:20:29 UTC
soft drinks, coffee, cough relief medication and certain sexual stimulating drugs
ice solid
2006-05-29 10:06:37 UTC
all sodas except sprite and root beer

some medications have caffine too
2006-05-28 10:36:24 UTC
almost every soda you want to know cause your going on a diet right
2006-05-27 13:31:10 UTC
coffee cakes
2006-05-27 10:07:02 UTC
any soda that doesn't say caffeine free.
Kay P
2006-05-26 15:13:29 UTC
2006-06-01 02:59:21 UTC
ill add to the 600 people before me ... umm Energy drinks, almost all drinks, and any thing that tends to be addictive
2006-05-29 20:06:55 UTC
try pepsi, that has LOTS of caffeine
Wifey Material
2006-05-29 07:15:54 UTC
coffee,soda and alot of other things you'll be suprised
2006-05-28 20:44:34 UTC
coffee,soda,& energy drinks
2006-05-28 15:59:47 UTC
coffee soda ''energy'' drinks ect
2006-05-27 16:27:54 UTC
coffee mountain dew is loaded with it
2006-05-27 11:15:58 UTC
Mountain Dew is loaded w/ it
2006-05-27 09:14:04 UTC
coffe soda them energy drinks
2006-05-26 22:07:58 UTC
chicken, just kidding coffee and pop
2006-05-26 19:12:46 UTC
in some cases chocolate
2006-05-29 15:27:22 UTC
coca cola, pepsi, any energy drink, coffee
2006-05-29 09:21:31 UTC
soft drinks,coffee
2006-05-28 23:50:26 UTC
beans ketup and lots of other stuff you may be younger than me and im young in 1 didget # or your just stupid
2006-05-30 06:40:24 UTC
coffee,cold drinks,coffee beans etc
2006-05-30 05:06:49 UTC
soda tea
2006-05-30 03:04:09 UTC
tea, most of the energy drinks and fizzy drinks (pepsi, redbull)
Seo Hee P
2006-05-30 01:34:13 UTC
cola and some of the soft drinks
2006-05-29 15:51:13 UTC
SODA...just did research on it for a paper
2006-05-29 06:38:18 UTC
coca-cola, coffee, energy drinks
2006-05-28 20:04:10 UTC
Apples have caffine surprisingly.
2006-05-28 10:09:54 UTC
i think coffee and soft drinks
2006-05-27 17:41:42 UTC
red bull,frozen yogert,ice cream,soda,energy drinks
2006-05-28 11:08:59 UTC
coffee, and some sodas
2006-05-28 08:23:24 UTC
coffee and mountain dew
2006-05-28 00:29:49 UTC
Candybars,soda,coffee,energy drinks maybe, maybe diet drinks. well that's it.
Patricia Ann
2006-05-27 11:08:21 UTC
coke-cola big time and all those energy drinks
2006-05-27 12:07:14 UTC
any dark drinks eg pepsi, coke dr.pepper
2006-05-27 08:47:22 UTC
2006-05-27 08:04:14 UTC
coffee. Starbucks coffee, i love it!
2006-05-27 07:01:44 UTC
coffee and soda
2006-05-29 17:54:36 UTC
soda and coffee
Sofi J
2006-05-29 16:30:27 UTC
how about red bull or some other energy drink
2006-05-29 10:33:29 UTC
soda lol and probably coffee
Kili's Lover
2006-05-26 22:25:25 UTC
coca cola, mountain dew, sprite, and lots of other sodas
2006-05-26 21:26:54 UTC
coffee has lots of confine, it energizes your body , but has bad consequences.
2006-05-26 20:20:26 UTC
coffee and soda
2006-05-30 12:12:18 UTC
Would you believe orange soda pop?
2006-05-30 11:29:11 UTC
Root beer, believe it or not.

I found this out when I had to take cipro after being anthraxed. (no joke)
2006-05-30 08:19:36 UTC
coffee, soda
2006-05-30 07:28:48 UTC
Be careful with anything with cocao powder in it.
2006-05-30 06:27:04 UTC
That's why heaven sent Chocolate! :)
2006-05-29 21:43:07 UTC
coffee, coca cola
2006-05-29 19:22:58 UTC
soda like pepsi and coca cola.
2006-05-29 12:09:09 UTC
Congratulations .YOu are the millionth person to ask this qestion.
2006-05-29 11:14:48 UTC
chocolate doesn't have caffeine in it!
2006-05-29 02:48:26 UTC
coca cola, coffee
2006-05-28 14:01:31 UTC
soda,certain kind of candies certain kinds of chocolates
2006-05-28 11:46:06 UTC
coffee, cold drinks (pop)
2006-05-27 21:48:12 UTC
candy soda sugar
2006-05-27 06:59:33 UTC
lots of things have caffeine

but small volume of consumption

is ok
2006-05-29 22:29:12 UTC
soda,diet foods, energy bars.
Robert K
2006-05-29 20:50:26 UTC
coffee,pop, frozen dessert's, some yougart's
2006-05-29 19:25:32 UTC
i've heard of some gum with caffine in them
2006-05-29 12:31:51 UTC
coffee and pops
2006-05-28 16:54:34 UTC
I don't care, but I would love to have some hot ******* sex right now.
rajshekhar A M r
2006-05-28 13:54:31 UTC
Its in blak grapes
2006-05-28 07:32:40 UTC
soda flavored waters
2006-05-27 11:59:29 UTC
energy drinks,coffee and
2006-05-27 07:59:52 UTC
most of the soft drinks has caffeine.

especially RED-BULL.
2006-05-26 22:45:28 UTC


3.chocolate nuts?
2006-05-28 14:13:41 UTC
coffee, cola drinks and many other softdrinks
2006-05-28 12:22:32 UTC
soda / pop / coke
2006-05-28 11:27:25 UTC
apples have more caffine than coffee...candy too. then again all fruits do
F.Y.I I rock
2006-05-28 05:25:34 UTC
sobe enerjy drinks u can get them at wal-mart and publix
2006-05-28 01:58:35 UTC
cold drinks, some medicines
2006-05-27 20:25:20 UTC
mountain dew
buyobe h
2006-05-26 13:57:18 UTC
coffee,coca cola
2006-05-30 08:18:05 UTC
red bull, and rx energy from arizona
2006-05-29 18:03:24 UTC
chocolate contains very little caffine
2006-05-28 19:22:36 UTC
pop, coffee
2006-05-30 06:47:09 UTC
mountain dew, chocolate
2006-05-28 22:24:05 UTC
some sodas and some pills
2006-05-27 19:45:21 UTC
soda pop
2006-05-27 16:48:11 UTC

and coke
2006-05-27 07:40:15 UTC
I think pop does
2006-05-26 22:14:09 UTC
Coffee is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, the cola nuts and is used to make soft drinks, and cocoa. It is widely used in medicine, for example, in tonic medicines and painkillers.Other foods that contain coffee are:

XTZ® Teas are a synergistic blend of ancient mystical herbs and maximum caffeine for an energy rush like no other. You can choose from three delicious flavors that include Chai, Citrus, or Kaffe. Each tea posses it's own unique flavor. Our Chai Tea combines spices, herbs, and orange peel for that old world appeal. XTZ Kaffe Tea is like no other energy drink, tasting like a chocolate soda mixed with Kona Coffee with a soothing after taste. XTZ Citrus tea is our most popular flavor—fans of this delicious energy tea prefer a more traditional flavoring which combines Botanical Herbal Black and Green Tea extracts and of course lots of caffeine! XTZ teas contain the highest doses of caffeine combined with herbs to give you a buzz that lasts for hours.

The original Xplosive energy™ drink! Available in seven Xciting flavors, X-drinx are an Xtreme mix of caffeine, herbs and major flavor. X-drinx is our most diverse line of energy sodas—and available in every flavor under the sun!. With a list of herbs as long as your arm we've combined an array of herbs mixed with caffeine to include Gota Kola, Ginseng, and Guarana to name just a few. Try the most Xplosive micro brewed energy pop on the market.

The Italian Energy Smoothie™, will have you jumping for energistic™ joy! This proprietary blend of vitamins, herbs and caffeine is available in four mouth watering flavors that combine fruit & cream


Turbo Truffles® are the original and best tasting caffeinated chocolate on the planet! Supercharged with caffeine and maximum flavor. With eight delicious flavors, the biggest challenge with Turbo Truffles® is keeping them around! They taste like an after dinner candy, but sure do pack a mean punch! Each truffle contains 150 mg of caffeine.

XTZ Herbal Energy Chocolates are a unique blend of fine chocolate and energy enhancing herbs plus a hit of caffeine for a 200mg energy rush! Eat these gourmet chocolate candies on the go and you are sure to get a surge that will enhance your reflexes and improve your concentration!

SEX Herbal Energy Aphrodisiac Chocolates will take you to the next level. We've combined rich, gourmet chocolate and aphrodisiac herbs to bring you maximum enjoyment! Use it to spur you to new sexual heights. Whether it's a fantasy that you've been wanting to live out or just need a little 'Boost' to help you out in the bedroom, these Sex Chocolates are your cure!


XTZ Herbal Energy Mints pack a sugarless punch of Peppermint, Spearmint, Wintergreen, Guarana, Ginkgo Biloba, Ginseng and Caffeine! Try the mint with more—these powerful little mints do more than just freshen your breath. Pop a few mints and catch a mildly refreshing buzz that will heighten your senses.

XTZ Cinnamon Herbal Energy Mints are the best tasting mints on the planet! These sugarless treasures combine the energizing effects of Caffeine, Guarana, Gotu Kola, and Kola Nut. Each mint delivers the cerebral energy of Ginko Biloba and the overall body tonic of Ginseng. They taste as good as they look—pretty in pink and tasty as can be

Sex Herbal Aphrodisiac Mints give you enough natural energy to keep you going all night. Sugar free with Peppermint, Spearmint and Wintergreen flavors. This herbal aphrodisiac cocktail will give you what you need for a revitalizing rush of sexual energy that will help put you in the mood.


Sky Rocket™ Syrups are loaded with caffeine to add a supercharged boost to all kinds of goodies. Blend Sky Rocket™ Syrups with coffee or Turboccino™ for the ultimate energy boost! Try Sky Rocket™ on ice cream, pancakes or waffles. Add it to granitas and Italian sodas. The uses for this product are absolutely endless. Available in ten outrageous flavors and loaded with 100 mg of caffeine per serving.


Turboccino™ is the ultimate super caffeinated, super rich, high energy coffee drink mix. We made Turboccino™ for people who just can't get enough caffeine. You know, the ones who order quadruple shots and still have rings under their eyes. Turbocharge your day with Turboccino™ MegaMocha flavor, the highest energy coffee drink available. Made with rich Arabica Coffee, Madagascar Vanilla, Indian Cinnamon, and Hawaiian Cane Sugar. It is taken hot or cold as an iced beverage with your favorite flavor of SkyRocket Syrup.
2006-05-30 10:55:55 UTC
2006-05-29 20:25:58 UTC
you forgot to mention coffee..
2006-05-29 13:31:00 UTC
cola and coffee
2006-05-29 09:13:56 UTC
well I think soda is like red bull if you like beer.if not energy drinks.HOLLA!
2006-05-28 18:01:25 UTC
2006-05-28 17:21:33 UTC
soda coke,dr.pepper,pepsi,mountian dew,etc.
2006-05-28 16:37:11 UTC
most soft drinks,Kola nuts, cocoa, coffee.
Ms_Hilton_Worth a Trillion Bucks
2006-05-28 12:15:46 UTC
yo momma
2006-05-28 07:36:51 UTC
2006-05-27 21:09:44 UTC
like everyone has told u soda but its still kinda good!!!
2006-05-27 00:48:28 UTC
food you said not beverages people pay attention
bitter sweet
2006-06-01 15:57:43 UTC
red bull and other energy drinks
2006-05-30 11:20:55 UTC
a big can of whoop a ss
2006-05-28 10:05:01 UTC
almost everything has at least a lil bit
2006-05-30 08:25:40 UTC
coffee, pepsi
2006-05-29 22:30:38 UTC
energy drinks
2006-05-29 06:19:02 UTC
WEll capochino which is my fav. I love coffe coffe has it to
2006-05-28 16:05:55 UTC
coffee, colas
2006-05-28 16:04:10 UTC
there's a headache medicine called b.c. powder; it is aspirin and caffiene.
2006-05-28 15:43:06 UTC
almost any soda that doesn't say "no caffine" and coffee
2006-05-27 18:06:05 UTC
soda and milkshakes why do you need caffeine????
2006-05-27 14:41:42 UTC
energy drinks
2006-05-30 04:42:58 UTC
jolt, red bull, full throttle can drinks
2006-05-29 15:32:20 UTC
The Fantasy King
2006-05-29 10:08:51 UTC
a lot of things
2006-05-28 15:30:32 UTC

this is an amassing site + a amassing laugh in one
2006-05-28 15:23:15 UTC
2006-05-28 01:40:35 UTC
coffee i think
2006-05-27 19:54:13 UTC
2006-05-27 11:40:40 UTC
2006-05-27 07:06:21 UTC
energy drinks like red bull, tab, monster... etc.
2006-05-27 05:28:42 UTC
Pretty much anything in America!!!!
2006-05-26 20:04:13 UTC
2006-05-26 19:57:29 UTC
before u drink or eat something u could read the INGREDIENTS
2006-05-30 04:49:23 UTC
SUNDROP!!! oh yeah ya'll don't know what that is,it's only made in Tennessee!
Labrador Lover
2006-05-29 12:58:28 UTC
kaitlin o
2006-05-28 23:06:35 UTC
dr.pepper, pepsi, coke, sprite, hot coco,
smc s
2006-05-28 16:09:02 UTC
cassandra j
2006-05-27 18:00:41 UTC
2006-05-27 10:50:19 UTC
coffea, coca cola, pepsi and cola turka
2006-05-27 01:57:58 UTC
coffee & pepsi
2006-05-27 01:47:16 UTC
sodas... even clear onces has caffine also...reading lables is always best
2006-05-29 17:55:33 UTC
Coffe, and Cola
2006-05-29 13:23:10 UTC
jocks, cheerleaders, preps, not goths, punks, anyone who is very perky or moderately perky
2006-05-29 06:02:31 UTC
2006-05-29 05:20:44 UTC
coke,pepsi,any type of soda,cofee,
2006-05-28 18:38:49 UTC
soda, coffee, energy drinks.....
2006-05-28 17:55:56 UTC
brianna j
2006-05-28 17:24:39 UTC
2006-05-27 10:14:11 UTC
None that I know of.
2006-05-27 07:32:50 UTC
2006-05-31 08:17:38 UTC
green tea, guarana.
2006-06-01 08:00:14 UTC
2006-05-31 15:34:58 UTC
2006-05-29 17:34:48 UTC
most soda pop tip:caffeine is a legal drug.
2006-05-29 13:34:53 UTC
pepsi and basically all soda that's not specified otherwise
2006-05-29 13:29:23 UTC
coffee, soda.
2006-05-29 12:20:31 UTC
pop and coffee!!!! hello. thats why u dont give it to little kids and babies es[ecially!!!
2006-05-28 17:00:42 UTC
coffee, soda,
2006-05-28 15:12:23 UTC
pepsi cola and coca cola
2006-05-27 11:15:55 UTC
cola nuts
2006-05-29 18:00:29 UTC
coofe soda popcorn i think
2006-05-29 15:53:27 UTC
ummmm... cola dr. pepper coffe drink right now lol
2006-05-29 15:26:05 UTC
vault and other high energy drinks
2006-05-29 12:58:54 UTC
mochas, cappuccino, cocoa, sodas
2006-05-29 11:58:40 UTC
coffe, redbull, soda, juice,candy
*gasp* it's me!
2006-05-29 11:28:00 UTC
cofee,soda, and so-called energy drinks.
2006-05-28 19:17:32 UTC
vault, mountain dew
pink lip stick
2006-05-28 15:28:50 UTC
most soft drinks
2006-05-29 10:13:04 UTC
cofee cake
2006-05-28 17:45:30 UTC
sliming pils
2006-05-27 14:54:55 UTC
cofee cake
Alice Chaos
2006-05-27 12:48:07 UTC
Not sure if I can add anything here!
2006-05-26 23:42:06 UTC
2006-05-28 03:14:21 UTC
cofffee n beer
grahhhhhhh. :D
2006-05-27 11:26:52 UTC
2006-05-30 15:37:59 UTC
You don't like chocolate??? Weird... :P

Caffeine (sometimes called guaranine when found in guarana, mateine when found in mate, and theine when found in tea) is a xanthine alkaloid found in the leaves and beans of the coffee tree, in tea, yerba mate, guarana berries, and in small quantities in cocoa, the kola nut and the Yaupon holly.

In general, each of the following contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine:

* One 200 mg caffeine pill

* One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

* Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

* Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

* Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

* Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

* Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

* Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

* Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

* Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

* Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

* Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink
2006-05-29 21:39:39 UTC
cigarrets!, diet coke,
2006-05-29 00:46:04 UTC
choklate syrip
2006-05-28 20:25:35 UTC
mounten due it will work perfectly so you neeeeeeeeeed to try it.LOL
2006-05-28 18:05:34 UTC
poop you poopeater get your face out of the toilet dumbpoopo
rollin on dubz
2006-05-27 17:40:30 UTC
try vault its really good and it gives you energy
2006-05-27 15:25:33 UTC
apples i know thant weird
2006-05-27 08:14:59 UTC
frozen yougert and redbull
2006-05-27 06:30:38 UTC
coffee/soda amazingly...apples do too!
2006-05-26 23:45:07 UTC
LOTS! read labels, they are amazingly helpful...
2006-05-30 04:48:40 UTC
soft drinks and all areated drinks too.
♫♪♫ PINKY ♫♪♫
2006-05-29 13:57:07 UTC
2006-05-29 13:13:49 UTC
coffie carinated drink ect...
2006-05-29 11:54:09 UTC
2006-05-28 12:58:02 UTC
Chocolate..Soda , Me :)))
2006-05-28 11:49:06 UTC
2006-05-28 07:48:25 UTC
2006-05-26 18:38:22 UTC
COKE!!!!!!! <3
2006-05-30 02:06:28 UTC
tea, guarana, cola
Ba Nkandu
2006-05-30 07:10:48 UTC
coffe and soda
2006-05-29 20:36:51 UTC
2006-05-29 13:13:09 UTC
read the back it will tell u
2006-05-28 13:03:45 UTC
coffee, burittos, power bars, yeah.....
2006-05-28 11:03:10 UTC
pepsi and montain dew.
2006-05-28 08:27:44 UTC
2006-05-28 03:48:45 UTC
2006-05-28 00:37:10 UTC
-Fallen Angel-
2006-05-28 00:30:46 UTC
2006-05-27 19:45:06 UTC
cofee and soda
2006-05-26 21:39:54 UTC
MIDOL! girls be warned......this is basically a caffine pill
2006-05-26 20:36:44 UTC
2006-05-29 23:29:56 UTC
2006-05-29 13:16:26 UTC
biscuits.chewing gum, nd lots of sweets out there , why?????
2006-05-29 11:01:50 UTC
most sodas
2006-05-28 12:09:10 UTC
the drinks that are "energy drinks"
2006-05-27 19:44:20 UTC
coffe, soda
2006-05-27 17:23:34 UTC
Don't Know!
2006-05-27 16:20:03 UTC
you smell a bit of do-do
sup yo
2006-05-28 15:09:43 UTC
pop and candy
Miss Fig
2006-05-27 11:52:40 UTC
2006-05-27 10:56:38 UTC
2006-05-27 01:56:31 UTC
most fizzy drinks !
2006-05-31 17:45:53 UTC
7up and basicily everything else.
sambo l
2006-05-29 01:49:02 UTC
2006-05-28 23:15:46 UTC
2006-05-28 16:40:01 UTC
soda if you buy it that way
2006-05-28 14:29:49 UTC
2006-05-27 11:31:22 UTC
2006-05-29 05:22:00 UTC
cake & cafe
2006-05-28 11:13:31 UTC
2006-05-27 12:11:36 UTC
LuVaBlE <3
2006-05-27 04:13:42 UTC
2006-05-28 22:15:21 UTC
2006-05-27 23:10:25 UTC
2006-05-27 21:13:23 UTC
carrots, zucchini, potatoes..
2006-05-27 20:09:00 UTC


LaLaLa :)
2006-05-29 09:04:56 UTC
2006-05-27 09:39:12 UTC
all the stuff i like!
2006-05-29 11:09:50 UTC
Sources of caffeine

Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive substance in the world.Caffeine is a plant alkaloid, found in numerous plant varieties, the most commonly used of which are coffee, tea, and to some extent cocoa. Other, less commonly used, sources of caffeine include the plants yerba mate and guaraná, which are sometimes used in the preparation of teas and, more recently, energy drinks. Two of caffeine's alternative names, mateine and guaranine, are derived from the names of these plants.

The world's primary source of caffeine is the coffee bean (the seed of the coffee plant), from which coffee is brewed. Caffeine content in coffee varies widely depending on the variety of coffee bean and the method of preparation used, but in general one serving of coffee ranges from about 40 mg for a single shot (30mL) of arabica variety espresso to about 100 mg for strong drip coffee. Generally, dark roast coffee has less caffeine than lighter roasts since the roasting process reduces caffeine content of the bean. Arabica coffee normally contains less caffeine content than the Robusta variety. Coffee also contains trace amounts of theophylline, but no theobromine. [1]

Tea is another common source of caffeine in many cultures. Tea generally contains somewhat less caffeine per serving than coffee, usually about half as much, depending on the strength of the brew, though certain types of tea, such as black and oolong, contain somewhat more caffeine than most other teas. Tea contains small amounts of theobromine and slightly higher levels of theophylline than coffee.

Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola, originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 mg to 50 mg of caffeine per serving. By contrast, energy drinks such as Red Bull contain as much as 80 mg of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks either originates from the ingredients used or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana PMID 16533867, a prime ingredient of energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theobromine and theophylline in a naturally occurring slow-release excipient.

Chocolate derived from cocoa is a weak stimulant, mostly due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine.[2] However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Finally, caffeine may also be purchased in most areas in the form of pills that contain from 50mg to 200mg. Caffeine pills are regulated differently by different nations. For example, the European Union requires that a warning be placed on the packaging of any food whose caffeine content exceeds 150 mg per litre. In many other countries, however, caffeine is classified as a flavouring and is unregulated.


Caffeine equivalents

In general, each of the following contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine:

One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink

Note: Caffeine content is highly unpredictable in coffee and tea drinks, especially in tea. Preparation has a huge impact on tea, and colour is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Teas like the green Japanese Gyokuro contain far more caffeine than much darker teas like Lapsang Souchong, which has very little. Even approximate caffeine contents assigned to teas are generally at best a very inaccurate guess.
2006-05-29 03:23:22 UTC
miss pink laviender (
2006-05-29 02:15:07 UTC
you shoud have black tea
2006-05-29 17:57:23 UTC
2006-05-29 05:10:33 UTC
o my God you don't like chocolate!
2006-05-28 22:55:14 UTC
coffee, soda, and....yea...
2006-05-28 13:19:55 UTC
sodas do
2006-05-28 07:05:03 UTC
Rice (ha ha ha ha )
2006-05-27 18:02:30 UTC
mountain dew....
2006-05-30 12:20:42 UTC
soda.s and coffee.s
2006-05-30 04:59:37 UTC
i dunnp
2006-05-28 20:59:20 UTC
2006-05-28 19:49:09 UTC
Caffeine (sometimes called guaranine when found in guarana, mateine when found in mate, and theine when found in tea) is a xanthine alkaloid found in the leaves and beans of the coffee tree, in tea, yerba mate, guarana berries, and in small quantities in cocoa, the kola nut and the Yaupon holly. In plants, caffeine acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills many insects feeding upon them.

Caffeine is a plant alkaloid, found in numerous plant varieties, the most commonly used of which are coffee, tea, and to some extent cocoa. Other, less commonly used, sources of caffeine include the plants yerba mate and guaraná, which are sometimes used in the preparation of teas and, more recently, energy drinks. Two of caffeine's alternative names, mateine and guaranine, are derived from the names of these plants.

The world's primary source of caffeine is the coffee bean (the seed of the coffee plant), from which coffee is brewed. Caffeine content in coffee varies widely depending on the variety of coffee bean and the method of preparation used, but in general one serving of coffee ranges from about 40 mg for a single shot (30mL) of arabica variety espresso to about 100 mg for strong drip coffee. Generally, dark roast coffee has less caffeine than lighter roasts since the roasting process reduces caffeine content of the bean. Arabica coffee normally contains less caffeine content than the Robusta variety. Coffee also contains trace amounts of theophylline, but no theobromine. [1]

Tea is another common source of caffeine in many cultures. Tea generally contains somewhat less caffeine per serving than coffee, usually about half as much, depending on the strength of the brew, though certain types of tea, such as black and oolong, contain somewhat more caffeine than most other teas. Tea contains small amounts of theobromine and slightly higher levels of theophylline than coffee.

Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola, originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 mg to 50 mg of caffeine per serving. By contrast, energy drinks such as Red Bull contain as much as 80 mg of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks either originates from the ingredients used or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana PMID 16533867, a prime ingredient of energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theobromine and theophylline in a naturally occurring slow-release excipient.

Chocolate derived from cocoa is a weak stimulant, mostly due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine.[2] However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Finally, caffeine may also be purchased in most areas in the form of pills that contain from 50mg to 200mg. Caffeine pills are regulated differently by different nations. For example, the European Union requires that a warning be placed on the packaging of any food whose caffeine content exceeds 150 mg per litre. In many other countries, however, caffeine is classified as a flavouring and is unregulated.

Caffeine equivalents

In general, each of the following contains approximately 200 mg of caffeine:

One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink

Note: Caffeine content is highly unpredictable in coffee and tea drinks, especially in tea. Preparation has a huge impact on tea, and colour is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Teas like the green Japanese Gyokuro contain far more caffeine than much darker teas like Lapsang Souchong, which has very little. Even approximate caffeine contents assigned to teas are generally at best a very inaccurate guess.
2006-05-28 19:30:41 UTC
2006-05-28 08:23:05 UTC
2006-05-27 15:54:28 UTC
2013-11-20 05:54:02 UTC
2006-05-29 11:42:35 UTC
2006-05-28 16:03:20 UTC
2006-05-27 22:53:00 UTC
mountain dew!!!!!!
2006-05-30 12:03:08 UTC
Elaina Young♥♥♥♥♥
2006-05-29 08:38:05 UTC
coffe,soda.pop.urine if you drank those!!!!!!
2006-05-29 02:35:49 UTC
black forest
2006-05-28 22:02:59 UTC
SUGAR!!!!!!!!! any thing with it
2006-05-27 11:39:45 UTC
2006-05-27 08:01:58 UTC
2006-05-29 21:12:11 UTC
2006-05-28 22:31:39 UTC
fathima f
2006-05-29 05:15:19 UTC
Triglycerides Lowering Diet: Avoid or Limit Caffeine


Caffeine containing foods include coffee, black tea, cola drinks, cocoa, and chocolate. These foods are used almost universally both as stimulants and emotional "treats."

Caffeine belongs to a class of chemicals called methylxanthines, which have a drug-like stimulant effect on the body. In fact, caffeine-containing foods are the most commonly used legal drugs (along with alcohol) in Western societies.

In the United States, many of us are unknowingly raised on caffeine containing foods from our childhood. Hot chocolate is a favorite drink of children, especially during the winter months. Teenagers drink copious amounts of colas and other caffeine containing carbonated drinks, and most children name chocolate as their preferred sweet.

Among adults, coffee use is ubiquitous, with Americans consuming as much as ten pounds of coffee per year. Even more staggering is the statistic that Americans consume a half billion cups of coffee per day (or about two cups per person each day). These figures have decreased by 50 percent over the past forty years when coffee consumption was at its peak.

A single cup of coffee contains about 100 mg of caffeine, enough to create a mild stimulatory effect. Black tea and green tea contain about half the amount of caffeine that coffee does (about 50 mg per cup). However, these teas also contain theophylline and theobromine, other members of the methylxanthine family which have marked effects on the body.

Theophylline is used as a medication to aid breathing in asthmatics, while theobromine has stimulatory effects on the body. Both tea and coffee contain tannic acid, which can irritate the intestinal mucosa.

Theobromine is also found in the cocoa bean, the natural source of chocolate and cocoa powder used in cooking. Other plant sources of caffeine include mate, kola nuts, and the guarana plant.

Many soft drinks like Pepsi-Cola, Coca-Cola, Dr. Pepper, and Jolt, are high in caffeine. Numerous over-the-counter medications also contain caffeine as an active ingredient.

Manufacturers of cold remedies like Dristan use caffeine for its stimulatory effect to help counteract the drowsiness caused by antihistamines. It is a main ingredient in over-the-counter drugs like No-Doz because of its ability to increase wakefulness and alertness. It is also used in many pain relief and menstrual relief formulas such as Midol, Excedrin, and Anacin.

As a central nervous system stimulant, caffeine increases brain activity when taken in doses of 50 to 100 mg or more per day. This is the amount found in one cup of coffee or black tea.

When used on an occasional basis, a cup of coffee can have a pleasantly stimulating effect. However, many people are addicted to the jolt of energy that caffeine provides and find that they need to take it in large amounts.

Many people must consume significantly more caffeine (two to three cups or even as many as ten cups per day!) to receive the pick-me-up they need to perform optimally during the day.

Besides increasing alertness, caffeine has other physiological effects. It

speeds up metabolism, allowing calories to be burned more efficiently

stimulates the cardiovascular system, increasing the heart rate, respiratory rate, and elevating blood pressure

lowers the blood sugar level, increasing the appetite and the craving for sweets

stimulates adrenal function, causing an outpouring of adrenal hormones which make the blood sugar level subsequently rise again

has a diuretic and laxative effect, increasing elimination.

Unfortunately, many negatives of the use of caffeinated beverages over time outweigh the initial benefits. Caffeine can cause a host of emotional and physical symptoms that can be quite debilitating.

Caffeine is an addictive chemical, so many people find that they need increasingly larger amounts to keep their energy up. When caffeine use is initially discontinued, people tend to feel very fatigued.

Psychological symptoms that can occur due to hormonal imbalance or deficiency such as anxiety, irritability, and mood swings are worsened with caffeine intake, especially in women who suffer from PMS or menopause.

More than four or five cups of caffeine per day can dramatically increase anxiety, irritability, and mood swings. Even small amounts can make susceptible people jittery.

After the initial jolt, people with anxiety symptoms find that caffeine intake makes them more tired.

Caffeine triggers anxiety and panic symptoms because it directly stimulates arousal mechanisms in the body. It

raises the brain's level of norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter that increases alertness, and also

triggers sympathetic nervous system activity, which causes fight or flight responses, such as increased pulse, breathing rate, and muscle tension.

Thus, caffeine intake triggers the physiological responses typical of anxiety states.

In addition, caffeine stimulates the release of stress hormones from the adrenal glands, further intensifying nervousness and jitteriness. By over stimulating the adrenals, chronic use of caffeine actually weakens them. Over time, this can lead to persistent fatigue and tiredness.

Besides causing anxiety symptoms, caffeine has a diuretic effect and speeds elimination of many essential minerals and vitamins.

With caffeine intake loss of potassium, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B, and vitamin C is accelerated. Deficiency of these nutrients increases anxiety, mood swings, and fatigue. Depletion of B-complex vitamins through caffeine use also interferes with carbohydrate metabolism and healthy liver function, which help to regulate the blood sugar as well as estrogen levels in women.

More Reasons to Avoid or Limit Caffeine


Caffeine also

reduces the absorption of iron and calcium from food and supplemental sources, particularly when taken at mealtimes

increases blood levels of triglycerides and cholesterol; both are risk factors for heart attacks and strokes

raises the blood pressure

causes the heart to beat faster

increases the excitability of the system that conducts electrical impulses through the heart (this can lead to rapid and irregular heartbeat in susceptible people).

Caffeine use directly affects hydrochloric acid secretion in the stomach by increasing acid production, which is a risk factor for gastritis and peptic ulcer disease.

If you are prone to heartburn or either of these medical conditions, you should eliminate all caffeinated beverages for symptom relief.

Besides triggering acid production, caffeine also stimulates peristalsis of the gastrointestinal tract. This has a laxative effect, producing more frequent bowel movements and even diarrhea in susceptible people. Too loose bowel movements can affect the loss of essential nutrients like B vitamins and minerals that are seen with the frequent use of caffeine.

If you suffer from the side effects of caffeine or find that it aggravates preexisting health conditions you should:

cut down its intake substantially to one cup (or glass) per day or, preferably, every other day, or

eliminate caffeine entirely from your diet.

Unfortunately, habitual coffee, tea, cola, or cocoa drinkers find that going "cold turkey" with coffee and eliminating it abruptly causes unpleasant withdrawal symptoms such as:


depression, and


Boiled, Unfiltered Coffee Raises Cholesterol


Boiled, unfiltered coffee raises total and LDL-“bad” cholesterol because coffee beans contain a terpenoid lipid called cafestol. The amount of cafestol in the cup depends on the brewing method. It is


Triglyceride Reduction Formula.

A Vitamin-Mineral Supplement to Support Healthy Blood Lipid Levels


zero for paper-filtered drip coffee, and

high in the unfiltered coffee still widely drunk in, for example, in Greece, the Middle East and Turkey.

Intake of large amounts of unfiltered coffee markedly raises serum cholesterol and has been associated with coronary heart disease in Norway.

A shift from unfiltered, boiled coffee to filtered coffee has contributed significantly to the decline in serum cholesterol in Finland.

Source: Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases, Report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation, World Health Organization, Geneva 2003.
2006-05-27 10:11:11 UTC
2006-05-27 17:06:51 UTC
2006-05-27 13:23:33 UTC
Can you say MOUNTAIN DEW!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
2006-05-27 00:39:46 UTC
Caffeine (sometimes called guaranine when found in guarana, mateine when found in mate, and theine when found in tea) is a xanthine alkaloid found in the leaves and beans of the coffee tree, in tea, yerba mate, guarana berries, and in small quantities in cocoa, the kola nut and the Yaupon holly. In plants, caffeine acts as a natural pesticide that paralyzes and kills many insects feeding upon them.

Caffeine is a central nervous system (CNS) stimulant, having the effect of warding off drowsiness and restoring alertness. Caffeine-containing beverages, such as coffee and tea, enjoy great popularity, making caffeine the world's most popular psychoactive drug.

In nature, caffeine is found with widely varying concentrations of the other xanthine alkaloids theophylline and theobromine, which are cardiac stimulants. When caffeine appears to have different effects depending on the source, it is due primarily to varying concentrations of other stimulants and absorption rates of the mixture.

Caffeine is a plant alkaloid, found in numerous plant varieties, the most commonly used of which are coffee, tea, and to some extent cocoa. Other, less commonly used, sources of caffeine include the plants yerba mate and guaraná, which are sometimes used in the preparation of teas and, more recently, energy drinks. Two of caffeine's alternative names, mateine and guaranine, are derived from the names of these plants.

The world's primary source of caffeine is the coffee bean (the seed of the coffee plant), from which coffee is brewed. Caffeine content in coffee varies widely depending on the variety of coffee bean and the method of preparation used, but in general one serving of coffee ranges from about 40 mg for a single shot (30mL) of arabica variety espresso to about 100 mg for strong drip coffee. Generally, dark roast coffee has less caffeine than lighter roasts since the roasting process reduces caffeine content of the bean. Arabica coffee normally contains less caffeine content than the Robusta variety. Coffee also contains trace amounts of theophylline, but no theobromine. [1]

Tea is another common source of caffeine in many cultures. Tea generally contains somewhat less caffeine per serving than coffee, usually about half as much, depending on the strength of the brew, though certain types of tea, such as black and oolong, contain somewhat more caffeine than most other teas. Tea contains small amounts of theobromine and slightly higher levels of theophylline than coffee.

Caffeine is also a common ingredient of soft drinks such as cola, originally prepared from kola nuts. Soft drinks typically contain about 10 mg to 50 mg of caffeine per serving. By contrast, energy drinks such as Red Bull contain as much as 80 mg of caffeine per serving. The caffeine in these drinks either originates from the ingredients used or is an additive derived from the product of decaffeination or from chemical synthesis. Guarana PMID 16533867, a prime ingredient of energy drinks, contains large amounts of caffeine with small amounts of theobromine and theophylline in a naturally occurring slow-release excipient.

Chocolate derived from cocoa is a weak stimulant, mostly due to its content of theobromine and theophylline, but it also contains a small amount of caffeine.[2] However, chocolate contains too little of these compounds for a reasonable serving to create effects in humans that are on par with coffee. A typical serving of a milk chocolate bar (28g) has about as much caffeine as a cup of decaffeinated coffee.

Finally, caffeine may also be purchased in most areas in the form of pills that contain from 50mg to 200mg. Caffeine pills are regulated differently by different nations. For example, the European Union requires that a warning be placed on the packaging of any food whose caffeine content exceeds 150 mg per litre. In many other countries, however, caffeine is classified as a flavouring and is unregulated.

One 200 mg caffeine pill

One and a half pounds of milk chocolate (0.68 kg)

Two 8 fluid ounce containers of regular coffee (0.473 liters)

Five 1 fluid ounce shots of espresso from robusta beans (0.147 liters)

Five 8 fluid ounce cups of black tea (1.18 liters)

Five 12 fluid ounce cans of typical soda pop (1.77 liters) (variable)

Ten 8 fluid ounce cups of green tea (2.36 liters)

Fifty 8 fluid ounce cups of decaffeinated coffee (11.82 liters)

Eight and a Half 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Coca-Cola Classic

Four 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Vault energy drink

Five 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Mountain Dew

Three 8-Fluid Ounce cups of Red Bull energy drink

Note: Caffeine content is highly unpredictable in coffee and tea drinks, especially in tea. Preparation has a huge impact on tea, and colour is a very poor indicator of caffeine content. Teas like the green Japanese Gyokuro contain far more caffeine than much darker teas like Lapsang Souchong, which has very little. Even approximate caffeine contents assigned to teas are generally at best a very inaccurate guess.

Caffeine can be consumed in several forms, though the highest percent of the drug comes in the form of coffee. Coffee comes in at 54% of total caffeine consumed and tea at 43% with the remainder coming mostly from chocolate products.

Caffeine’s production itself comes in several different forms. The oldest form of caffeine’s use comes from its homeland in Ethiopia where Ethiopians were known to mix crushed dried coffee beans with fat which they rolled into balls and used as food on journeys. During its spread into the Islamic sector, caffeine was usually used as a beverage made from infusing ground roasted beans. This was the same method and production that was later used in Europe.

Because caffeine comes from a certain plant it needs a certain environment and temperature in which it grows the best. The main requirement for a good coffee plant is to have ample sunshine and rain; these types of conditions are only common in tropical or sub-tropical regions. As of today, the most dominant producer of coffee is Brazil, rich in tropical forests and having the large amounts of area on which the plant can be grown. Brazil is responsible for 28% of the total global production of coffee plants, Columbia is in second place at 16% and Indonesia finishes the top three at less than 7%. Total global production comes from over 70 different nations.[5]

As of today, the soft drink corporations acknowledge caffeine’s similar effect on children and adults. It is also noted that there is a broad variation in the types of responses that people get. The soft drink corporations' main solution to the issue is to provide soda that is caffeine-free. The majority of soda producers and all of the major brands, provide sodas with either very low quantities or no caffeine at all as part of the ingredients.[6]

This raises the question of how consumers can determine the caffeine content of a product. Right now, caffeine has to be listed under the ingredients of various foods if it is a part of the product. However, there is no regulation for the amount of caffeine that can be present in food; therefore, there is almost never any numerical information provided to answer that. It is also difficult to tell how much caffeine is in a product just by knowing that some caffeine is present.[6]

There has been extensive research on caffeine and the drug’s effect on human bodies in regards to health. According to the Food and Drug Administration, FDA, has concluded that caffeine is recognized as safe for consumption in 1958. A recent review claims to have found no signs or evidence that caffeine’s use in carbonated beverages would produce unhealthy effects on the consumer.

The American Medical Association, AMA, also views caffeine as being safe for consumption. They state that moderate coffee and tea drinkers probably don’t need to have concern for their health in regards to caffeine consumption.[7]
2006-05-28 15:12:21 UTC
all soda duh!!!!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.