What ever happened to the original Tunes cough sweets and have their been any other flavours?
2010-02-16 02:18:49 UTC
When I was very young I can remember them being only some original Tunes cough sweets then the cherry flavoured ones came out. Now all you can get are the cherry flavoured ones. I can remember them just selling out of original ones in a local newsagent and I think I was the one to buy the very last packet. It was about 10 years ago now. So what ever did happen to the original flavoured Tunes and will they ever come back? Also have their been any more flavours?
Seven answers:
2010-02-16 02:22:54 UTC
The company was taken over by Halls.And they have decided the only sweets they are gonna bother to call "Tunes" are the cherry ones. You can still buy all the other flavours,under the name of "Halls", but interestingly, only in other European countries. Maybe the other flavours weren't profitable in the UK?
2016-10-05 03:53:25 UTC
Tunes Cough Sweets
2010-02-16 02:28:58 UTC
I remember when i was about 4 or 5 years old (30-odd years ago!), and i was walking home from town with my mum, and i choked on an original Tunes cough sweet. Can remember exactly where it happened, how i felt, and i remember throwing up on the pavement. lol - that's my only memory of Tunes!
2014-10-19 05:01:55 UTC
I used to be able to buy a packet of Cherry flavour or a mixed packet of Cherry, Strawberry and (the exeptional) Blackcurrant frommy local chemist. Now I can't find Tunes anywhere. It's a shame because they actually worked!
2016-03-18 09:09:23 UTC
Jeigermeister Flavored.
2017-02-10 22:50:51 UTC
2015-03-16 09:14:26 UTC
I miss tunes, as they were sugar free and I am diabetic, I could get them up to 4 years ago then nothing, PLEASE bring them back

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